forum Does any one want to have a writing competition?
Started by @americanqueen

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I came across this just now and was wondering if we could try to do this again soon (I don't think I would have enough time to write a story at the moment). Don't mean to be annoying, just wondering.


Ummm… @LeafyLemur I don't want to come out on hating your story b/c its really good…. but…… You went over the word count…. buy double.. :l I mean… ya

(Still not hating on it though! Good job!)


oh……. I WAS LOOKING AT CHARACTERS agggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
oh well, now i think i can use the story I was going to use instead of the shorten version yay

I still feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid :(


Sorry, couldn't help myself and wrote two. The one I meant to be judged was Excalibur, so go ahead and judge that and just read the second for fun!

@HighPockets group

I think I need to switch to judging for this month’s contest; I don’t have enough free time to write an entry and I’m also out of ideas :(


I have an idea for next month: Write something (either an adaptation, retelling, original fiction, etc.) from the POV of a minor character

That’s a good idea!


mine is all done!