forum Does any one want to have a writing competition?
Started by @americanqueen

people_alt 12 followers


K so, here’s what we should do
Fill out this outline:
What you want to do: (judge or complete)
What you think the word limit should be:
What you think the prompt should be:

Then we should vote (or draw out of a hat) on the prompt

And then we need to decide when to close joinings

AND THEN we need to decide on a date of the turn-in

What do you think?

@Becfromthedead group

I think we should set a minimum work count though, so we don’t get like a 150 word story:(, you know what I mean?

Yeah, maybe 500 minimum? As for sign-up closing, I guess when enough people have joined is a good time to do that.


👍🏼ok, that’ sounds like a plan, I’ll try to see if some of the people on one of the role plays I’m doing want to judge

Deleted user

Is it ok if I compete? :3 Also, I like the rewriting old books/movies/plays idea.

Deleted user

Where do we write the stories? A google doc or something?