forum Disabilities Chat!! <3
Started by @Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap

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@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Admittedly I have never had a therapist before because my situation was never stable enough to seek one, and while I think therapy could be something I attend in my future I don’t think it’s any time soon. At the very least as they say I have come over the first step and that is realizing my problems, and I’ve made some steps to try and cope with it. It’s not much but I want to overcome my problems as hard as they may be. There’s a lot of stuff happening in my country and life right now (Ukrainian) so things are a bit clustered and stressful but I manage.

Also sorry if my writing is hard to understand/mistakes. English was never my first language.

Your english is perfect, amica don't worry about it. And as far as therapy goes, you don't have to jump into it especially if you're not ready, and we're all here if you ever need to talk,nshoot me a DM Ill answer within a few minutes probably, and that goes to anyone that just needs to talk.

@Story_Siren group

Mhm Nyx’s right! Therapy is definitely a wonderful thing but it takes time, resources, and money to get it right. So take your time! /lh /nm

@Echo_6 group

Hello! I have a mix of Anxiety and minor depression, I've mostly gotten the hang of handling it… mostly… I also have ADHD, and really bad PTSD from a bunch of different things! It's great. I can't have people behind me, vehicles scare the sh!t outta me, I can't do physical contact really well, and I barely sleep at night because I'm constantly having nightmares! It's fantastic.
Should I go to therapy? Probably.
Am I actually going to? Not likely!
I sleep with one hand under my pillow, for those of you who know what that means you also know why you do not try and shake me awake.
Really truly though, I think with the amount of garbage and baggage and just down right horrible sh!t a therapist would need to need to try and help me through they might quit. It's… so great.
How are the rest of you?

Deleted user

I doing awful, so nothings new.
But, you know, therapy is working ok
i got like 3-4 years of it under my belt
so if you guys need some free therapy,
just pm me!!
i will probably answer withing 24ish hours

Deleted user

Greetings, goblins and friends

I have ADHD, but I have no idea which type ;-; does this count as a disability or should I leave-

@Story_Siren group

Greetings, goblins and friends

I have ADHD, but I have no idea which type ;-; does this count as a disability or should I leave-

ADHD is absolutely a disability! You're good; ya don't have to leave. I've got ADHD inattentive.

Deleted user

Greetings, goblins and friends

I have ADHD, but I have no idea which type ;-; does this count as a disability or should I leave-

ADHD is absolutely a disability! You're good; ya don't have to leave. I've got ADHD inattentive.

:0 thank youuu-


Greetings, goblins and friends

I have ADHD, but I have no idea which type ;-; does this count as a disability or should I leave-

Just to second this, ADHD is ABSOLUTELY a disability, I know people who are considered medically disables by the ol' healthcare system only because of their ADHD so welcome :)

Deleted user

Greetings, goblins and friends

I have ADHD, but I have no idea which type ;-; does this count as a disability or should I leave-

Just to second this, ADHD is ABSOLUTELY a disability, I know people who are considered medically disables by the ol' healthcare system only because of their ADHD so welcome :)

Hi 👀👀

Deleted user

awww thx
but seriously
did you know you can only go an average of 10 days without sleep before you die?!!?!?!?!?!
you should get some sleep

Deleted user

It totally counts! If you feel like it is hindering you or making you life harder even a tiny bit, its a diasability you are welcome here

Deleted user

I have adhd too, dude it sucks I get it 😔✌️

Deleted user

I totally have been silently and tearlessy crying for the last 2 hours
I'm fine sniffs

Deleted user

Hi! I have Autism and some mild joint hypermobility that makes my bones go snap crackle pop and also dislocate alot.

Deleted user

Hi! I have Autism and some mild joint hypermobility that makes my bones go snap crackle pop and also dislocate alot.

Cracker bones

Deleted user

Hi! I have Autism and some mild joint hypermobility that makes my bones go snap crackle pop and also dislocate alot.

Cracker bones

Yep lmao