forum Disabilities Chat!! <3
Started by @Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap

people_alt 85 followers

@Story_Siren group

Np! If it's easier i can start it too - you use the inbox or envelope on the far right of the screen and type in the person's username to DM them.


Well I live in Indiana and my doctors are… How do I put this nicely, retarded. So they told me I have both ADD and ADHD so.. Yeah 😅
And then I'm not even sure why they won't tell me what is wrong with me so 🤷‍♀️

Hey Nyx, friendly reminder that you are a moderator. Please do not use slurs towards a marginalized community in a thread about disabilities, or really at all. Slurs have no place here. Thanks


I- wasn't even thinking, thank you for pointing that out ice.

Mhm. Just keep it in mind for next time, okay? We want Notebook to be welcoming and inviting, and using slurs is the opposite of that


Hi! I have a physical disability and that is part of my leg being missing, it got very badly damaged in an explosion around this time last year and I had to get it amputated because they couldn’t save it. I now work using a prosthetic leg. I also have a bit of hearing loss in my ears which is likely permanent as ive been told. I also have diagnosed PTSD but compared to the other two, I think that has been around for a few years now for me.
I think its good to have communities like this both in person and online. Hi everyone! I might not respond right away since I’m about to go to bed after posting this.

Deleted user

I also have some PTSD. I am terrified of trampolines now because my dog got his legs stuck in one of the springs, and as i was trying to get him out, he (accidentally) bit my hand. after he was out i literally passed out. It was very tramatic

@aekv group

henlo i'm ash! i have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, but i'm working on getting diagnosed for ADHD, ADD, DID, OSDD, PTSD, C-PTSD, and Autism (if not more 🫠).


Hi friends! I have diagnosed ADHD, a lil touch of the tism, depression, anxiety, PTSD and paranoia. Technically, only the PTSD/paranoia and ADHD are disabling for me, the rest are just there to party I guess lmao
I also have chronic hip/joint issues, but they aren't disability levels either, just a pain!


A question, is perpetually feeling like a dumb stupid little annoying person a tism-tism or a me-tism

Ahhh for me thats the anxiety/rejection sensitivity haha
but also probably a tism thing


I was recently diagnosed with the PTSD because of past events in my life- which is… Very troubling to me lol.

Sorry to hear that buddy :( PTSD is recent for me too, and not fun


ahaha yeah, I feel that. I'd had my therapist prior to the event, so when I got back to her she was like 'so I think we can all collectively agree you're gonna develop ptsd from this' and well, hey! what do you know

Deleted user

i switched therapists
and it made me realize my old therapist was way better


Admittedly I have never had a therapist before because my situation was never stable enough to seek one, and while I think therapy could be something I attend in my future I don’t think it’s any time soon. At the very least as they say I have come over the first step and that is realizing my problems, and I’ve made some steps to try and cope with it. It’s not much but I want to overcome my problems as hard as they may be. There’s a lot of stuff happening in my country and life right now (Ukrainian) so things are a bit clustered and stressful but I manage.

Also sorry if my writing is hard to understand/mistakes. English was never my first language.