forum Debate Time
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers


  • Is animal testing justified?
  • Does school detention do any good in high schools? (my teachers are actually debating this right now)
  • Is the grading system used in high school effective?
  • Is drug testing athletes justified?
  • Should cigarettes be banned from society?
  • Should sex education be banned in middle schools?
  • Should sex education be more in depth than it is right now? (most schools teach abstinence-only and the severity of STDs)
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Should one use items be banned? (think plastic straws, forks, spoons, lids, etc. at fast food restaurants)
  • Do school uniforms help improve the learning environment? Should they be required in schools?
  • Is it important for all schools to do mandatory drug tests on their students?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medical use?

Deleted user

I think no, it can harm the animals.
I have been avoiding some brands of akeup and such becuase of it.

Deleted user

I did an essay about this last year. Animal experimentation is basically useless and unnecessary, most of the time when they pass through the animal part and makes it to a pharmacy, 100% of the time it’s taken off shelf’s from weird side effects from humans. This can also decrease populations weirdly, and mutate some animals.


I think in this day and age, there is absolutely no reason to test on animals. We have the technology to grow human cells. We can test our products using human cells and observing the reaction.
In a way, I can understand why they used to do that. Before releasing a new product, we'd need to make sure it's safe, and nobody would want to test it on other humans in fear that they would be harmed. It was easier to obtain an animal to test on, as well as cheaper. It was also seen as more ethical than human testing (which, in a way, I can agree with, but not entirely.)
However, with the technology we have now, there's no reason to test any sort of product on animals. I believe testing by growing STEM cells is more expensive, but if a company values saving money over what's humane and ethical, they should not be able to release their product. I believe that animal testing should actually be illegal by now, considering we actually have an alternative.
But this also raises a problem: if STEM cell use for product is more expensive like I think it is (I'd have to research it more, however), this would raise the prices of products. In a capitalist economy with voting people who'll do anything to lower prices of products, housing, gas, etc., this could prove to be an issue if we were one day able to vote against animal testing and make it illegal.


Who is worse: The Paul brothers(Logan Paul and Jake Paul) or Donald Trump?

No, that would bring politics into this and I would like to remain on a neutral ground for that.

Yeah let's not bring politics into this, although no matter how bad the president is Jake/Logan Paul are SO MUCH WORSE

Deleted user

Who is worse: The Paul brothers(Logan Paul and Jake Paul) or Donald Trump?

No, that would bring politics into this and I would like to remain on a neutral ground for that.

Yeah let's not bring politics into this, although no matter how bad the president is Jake/Logan Paul are SO MUCH WORSE

Kindly, stop fucking talking about it.
Sincerely, A person who doesn't give a fuck about these people.

@HighPockets group

Can I mention something? In Honors English, we're doing a project over break (which is a concept that I hate, school breaks should be solely for celebration and family, but I digress) and we have to listen to a podcast.
You should all look up/listen to the one I did, it's called Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde. I don't want to spoil it, but it's about a doctor who looks into the arrest of his predecessor for murder, and the end made me so fricking ANGRY at the legal system I just hdhiwbkbiwgyh ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
When I finished reading I just yelled THAT IS NOT OKAY really loudly.


Who is worse: The Paul brothers(Logan Paul and Jake Paul) or Donald Trump?

No, that would bring politics into this and I would like to remain on a neutral ground for that.

Yeah let's not bring politics into this, although no matter how bad the president is Jake/Logan Paul are SO MUCH WORSE

Trump is an utterly horrible human being, the Pauls are just very eccentric, annoying people on the internet who constantly plug merch and fake pranks

@HighPockets group

Can I mention something? In Honors English, we're doing a project over break (which is a concept that I hate, school breaks should be solely for celebration and family, but I digress) and we have to listen to a podcast.
You should all look up/listen to the one I did, it's called Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde. I don't want to spoil it, but it's about a doctor who looks into the arrest of his predecessor for murder, and the end made me so fricking ANGRY at the legal system I just hdhiwbkbiwgyh ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
When I finished reading I just yelled THAT IS NOT OKAY really loudly.


@HighPockets group

Guys it's gonna be the two year anniversary of Carrie Fisher's death this year and I don't know if I can handle it……I never got to meet her but she's inspired me to keep going so much despite everything…..

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys it's gonna be the two year anniversary of Carrie Fisher's death this year and I don't know if I can handle it……I never got to meet her but she's inspired me to keep going so much despite everything…..

Why? Genuinely curious. What did she do that was awesome.

@HighPockets group

Guys it's gonna be the two year anniversary of Carrie Fisher's death this year and I don't know if I can handle it……I never got to meet her but she's inspired me to keep going so much despite everything…..

Why? Genuinely curious. What did she do that was awesome.

Because she was witty, brilliant, and struggled with mental illness. She's just someone I admire a lot.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Guys it's gonna be the two year anniversary of Carrie Fisher's death this year and I don't know if I can handle it……I never got to meet her but she's inspired me to keep going so much despite everything…..

Why? Genuinely curious. What did she do that was awesome.

Because she was witty, brilliant, and struggled with mental illness. She's just someone I admire a lot.

Hmm. Legit.