forum Debate Time
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

I've seen a bunch of shit and I want to talk about said shit. So, this may just end up as a rant.
Also, don't take things others say on this to bad. This may have some triggering topics so…. In short, don't flip your lid when someone says something offensive.

I'm going to say our debate theme so don't fucking start a tangent on here.

Deleted user

Okay, here's our theme:

If someone says to "Cheer up, don't be so depressing" to someone with a mental illness such as depression or anxiety… What's your reaction? What do you say?

Deleted user

For me, I will most likely blow up. I'm a pretty hostile person by nature and it's really easy to get me angry. I'd try to be calm and either write out or think of something to say that wouldn't offend them. I would end up failing and most likely yelling.

@faltering-through pets

For me, I'm a person that hates that kind of stuff. Like when two people start arguing, but if things get out of hand I'll probably try and ease the situation with something that both parties can agree on. I don't agree with the whole "cheer up thing" because if a person could just automatically do that don't you think that they would have done so by now?

Deleted user

Yeah… As you can tell, I may have started this from that whole fiasco.
It's on it's own separate thread so I don't piss off Shuri.

@faltering-through pets

Lmao yea I don't think we wanna piss ' em off again, honestly I got a bit scared when I read that message lol. All I thought at that moment was "Oh shit we're all fucked now"


Yeah… As you can tell, I may have started this from that whole fiasco.
It's on it's own separate thread so I don't piss off Shuri.

can I read the thread?


Okay, here's our theme:

If someone says to "Cheer up, don't be so depressing" to someone with a mental illness such as depression or anxiety… What's your reaction? What do you say?

It depends on the situation. If the person saying "cheer up" knew that the person was struggling with mental illness, I'd probably take a calm approach at first and say "hey, that's not how you're supposed to deal with things like this." And if they make up a bullshit argument like "you can get over depression" or "depression isn't real" or some stupid shit like that, I'd probably just tell them to fuck off and try to talk things out with the person with the mental illness and make sure they're doing okay.
However, if the person didn't know that they were struggling with a mental illness, but I did, I'd politely say "hey, that person might be going through a rough time right now, go easy on them." and if they refuse, I'd calmly ask them to leave so I could attempt to talk to the mentally ill person and make sure they're okay.


is it bad that I wanted to rip that person to shreds after I saw what they said about needing to cheer up? Like part me went "no Jensen, be reasonable, explain calmly that everybody's views, approaches, lives, and minds are different and that because of that, not everyone can just cheer up when they're asked to, or just don't get involved at all" but then 90% of my brain was just "fuck him up, fuck him up real bad, be a dick it doesn't matter"

@HighPockets group

They can meet me in the pits of Hades and go hand to hand because I've just about had the worst day of my life and am probably going to have to change to going to a virtual school because of my mental illness and THAT HECKING TOOL MAKES THAT ^&&#^&!)@&& COMMENT?!?!?!


Ignorant people are a problem though. They grow up with a closed mind, and everything they were taught becomes a solid fact to them as they get older. Then, it's nearly impossible to change their mind on it, and they end up doing things like voting for donald trump trying to control other people's lives because they think that everyone should believe what they believe

Deleted user

Yeah… And I probably wouldve reacted in another way if I didnt have people telling me to "Cheer up." And that "You chose to be unhappy." All day.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ignorant people are a problem though. They grow up with a closed mind, and everything they were taught becomes a solid fact to them as they get older. Then, it's nearly impossible to change their mind on it, and they end up doing things like voting for donald trump trying to control other people's lives because they think that everyone should believe what they believe

How do you know that, I ask you? That sounds like taught preconceived notions. There are ignorant people on every side and position.