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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay but disclaimer: I’m not debating it, if a debate happens

Kaitlin Bennett and her interviews on college campuses and at pride celebrations and such?

Well I'll go with what I was thinking before looking her up: It's a free place, do what you want.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But (not having yet seen the vid and only reading her Wiki) I like her. Not so sure about her work with Infowars, but I love how she dared to reference the Kent State Shootings in her gun rights activism.

Deleted user

I think you should do more research before saying that you like her

Deleted user

I haven't heard anything about her and LGBTQ pride, but from what I do know {I was just stalking her the other day}, I disagree with all her major opinions– i.e., anti-abortion, gun rights.

Deleted user

She's a bitch and a coward and I don't like her.

I agree 10000%.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I hate how she purposefully antagonizes people and then just goes "oh, I carry! I carry!" to avoid being put in her place.

She seems to be more aggressive in the attitude of her questions than not, but from what I've seen (I watched some vids last night), she seems to be pretty straightforward with what she's doing. She has that LIBS get EXPOSED thing going on, but I personally don't mind that. She lets her opponents speak their minds and that's more than can be said for a lot of people.
"then just goes "oh, I carry! I carry!" to avoid being put in her place."
And explain this.

Deleted user

And also what does bitch actually mean, in terms of modern culture?

Oh, Dommy.

@HighPockets group

I hate how she purposefully antagonizes people and then just goes "oh, I carry! I carry!" to avoid being put in her place.

She seems to be more aggressive in the attitude of her questions than not, but from what I've seen (I watched some vids last night), she seems to be pretty straightforward with what she's doing. She has that LIBS get EXPOSED thing going on, but I personally don't mind that. She lets her opponents speak their minds and that's more than can be said for a lot of people.
"then just goes "oh, I carry! I carry!" to avoid being put in her place."
And explain this.

She went up to a fat person and asked her opinion on something, and when they answered a bit sharply, she goes "ooh, she's gonna eat it!" (referring to the microphone). When the person gets upset over that and confronts her, she goes "oh, I carry! I carry!" (referring to being armed) to avoid actually being confronted for her comments and actions. Also she wastes the time (and air) of everyone around her by constantly asking her stupid questions at a college, where no one wants to see her and are trying to, you know, learn.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hmm. Rude. Well how did her proclaiming her gun toting help her?
Well Idk. But based on my college, half the people there don't know why they're there and don't care that much. But maybe it's just like that where I am.

@HighPockets group

I mean, if someone told you they were armed (repeatedly and aggressively), would you still confront them as harshly as you normally would since you're at risk for injury?

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

I admit that I have not learned much about this topic, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but threatening those who disagree with your ideas with violence doesn’t seem like a fantastic choice and doesn’t promote fair discussion. It creates a power imbalance between the persons involved and I don’t super vibe with that.