forum Completely out-of-context quotes.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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"That doesn’t sound like the cosmic relevance or whatever. That sounds like a dying walrus on LSD trying to sing the high notes of Take On Me while a drunk baby screams in the background."

@HighPockets group

"What is it called when salt moves from a lower concentration to a higher concentration?"


"Not that I would ever eat a Lush bath bomb but like, I guess I could understand why people would want to."

Jared Kleinman?

Also Percy Jackson quotes out of context are the best, as you can see here. These are all from the same book:


"Is…that a chicken?" "His name is Macbeth."

"I should just stop saying things."

“She’s listening to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack again. It happens every time. Literally the same exact thing, bugles and tears included.”

“She had an idea. Let’s just hope this one is decent and won’t get us arrested.”

" Sadly, Clark says possible lawsuits and expulsions are no fun, so that’s out.”

@saor_illust school

(I know this is practically dead but I need to put this somewhere)
"The world on bath salts," Ronan 2019 (Also Ronan is a friend of mine, but I put his name there because there are so many Ronan's in this world it's almost unbelievable for me.)