forum Completely out-of-context quotes.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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(Yes, I'm aware there are multiple similar threads, but those are for inside jokes and quotes from high/middle school students, this is for just… Anything. It's different, okay? hides in the corner of unoriginality)

@Pickles group

"she said she'd be a jellyfish"
"she'd be the serial killer jellyfish that no one suspects because she's super quiet but then they'd know after they're all dead"

"global warming. such a mood."


"That's where I learned to be a duck."

Girl 1-"Go sit on a cactus."
Girl 2- "Sit on who? Mike?"
Boy 1(Knows who Mike is aka their mutual friend)- "Waaaaat?"

Deleted user

"Wtf even is a jellyfish? You can't kill them, they're immortal."

"Dudududududu" wiggles a shirt with flamingos on the front of it happily to a weird tune

@Pickles group

"if I gave you this cookie, how much of your biscuit would you give me?"
"None of it"
"No cookie for you" shoves entire cookie in mouth

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Were you spying on my best friend to get this quote

XD nope

@Pickles group

"wait–how did she not know Tom Holland was British?"

"What- Benedict Cumberbatch plays prostitute in upcoming movie?"
i concern myself


"Utterly perfect. Like the word udder. So, you're only perfect by cow standards."
"Have you ever spoken to a cow? Cause let me tell you, they have some pretty high standards"

@HighPockets group

"Just one question: why man?"
"Cuz you stole my daughter's hymen!"
"That's completely fair, but in my defense; dude, your daughter's hot."


"Just one question: why man?"
"Cuz you stole my daughter's hymen!"
"That's completely fair, but in my defense; dude, your daughter's hot."

you are my new favorite person