forum Cliches
Started by @Paperok

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girls who love male actors
people alllllllways asume im all up in here like
while im all like

Deleted user

There are too many. If I even start I'll end up writing a 4,000 word essay that no one will be able to parse because it will be too jumbled up with me screaming and ranting and switching topics all over the place randomly just because I remembered another thing I hate.


My least favorite stereotype is that 'losers' or 'awkward' kids are just like that for no reason, that they have nothing going on. It's ignorant. Everyone has something going on that affects their present day. If a kid's shy, they probably have a really interesting reason why.

Alex Peach

Alright y'all (y'all where did that come from? I'm not from the US, much less the south) listen up.

  • Two total strangers, upon falling into bed together, will always reach an incredibly intense, mutual, and SIMULTANEOUS orgasm on the first try.
  • Women who give birth are perfectly made up afterwards
  • Women will always have shaved legs and armpits, even in caveman movies.
  • Women will be worrying about their nails or dresses while people are trying to kill them. (see also CHASES)
  • Women stand wide-eyed, hand to mouth, while hero battles villain. Women never think to clonk villain with a handy object. Counterpoint: If a woman does clonk, she always hits hero instead.
  • Women always fight other movie women by pulling hair, falling to the ground together, rolling over twice.
  • High-powered female executives always wear miniskirts and five-inch heels to work
  • Beautiful women will always fawn over an action hero, no matter what sexist remarks he makes to them.
  • A female lead with feminist leanings will always despise a macho hero–until the first time he rescues her from certain death. She will then become totally conventional and dependent. Once she does this, the hero will become vulnerable and tell her about some tragic loss that will explain his belligerent attitude.
  • Women wear make-up to bed and wake up with hair and face completely intact.
  • Women don't need to go to the bathroom when they get up but will shower frequently.
  • If a woman is pregnant, she will deliver before the movie ends.
  • Women also scream or make some other noise at the precise moment the villain is close enough to hear.
  • Women always stand and watch the cars that are about to run them over, OR the bad-guys that are about to shoot them (even if there's cover close by).
  • Strong (character/will) women are always macho, or bitchy.
  • Women always stuff their fist(s) in their mouths when terrified.
  • Women always have to be rescued by the hero, even if they're champion/ expert this or that.
  • Women are always too hysterical to do what the hero instructs. He has to help/force her/knock her out.
  • Menstruation is an unknown phenomenon in movies. Female movie characters are all immune from it.
    And that's just the ones about women.

Deleted user

When the girl says that she is perfectly fine by herself and literally halfway into the story she's depending on some macho muscle guy


"Women will be worrying about their nails or dresses while people are trying to kill them." But I think this can be hilarious if done right.

I think my least favorite cliche is the "funny guy" who only provides comedy relief and doesn't have any emotions besides "be witty."


My least favorite cliche is when the shy introvert becomes the flaming extrovert and it's treated like a natural transition. Like, a character can still be introverted at the end of the story because guess what it's not actually a flaw (coughfrozencough)
Other than that, the love triangle cliche, the love at first sight and the "my relationship is different from any other relationship, we have something that no one else does so we don't have to work at it or anything".
And the idea that people who know one art form (art/music/writing/etc) are just automatically good at all of them like just because I can draw it doesn't mean I can sculpt what is this anyway
I have more but I need to stop before this becomes an essay

Deleted user

Another one I don't like (and is all too common in my eyes) is when lightning/thunder strikes, but the sound of the lightning/ thunder is synced up with the flash.


@ninja_violinist But just because someone's introverted doesn't mean that they want to hide away from everyone. Elsa's problem didn't really have to do with being introverted, but with isolation. Isolation, no matter if you're an extrovert or an introvert, is unhealthy. And I wouldn't say she became a flaming extrovert. :P I think isolating yourself for unhealthy amounts of time is a flaw, but simply needing some alone time to recharge every day isn't.


@Masterkey That's an excellent point which I concede. It's definitely true that introvertism doesn't equal isolation, and it makes sense that Elsa would overcome it.
[This example doesn't hold up under scrutiny, but I still think the general cliche exists in media that introvertism is a character flaw to be overcome.]


@ninja_violinist Yeah I agree with that. Only a fourth of the population is introverted technically, which makes sense that most people wouldn't understand them. But yeah, being introverted isn't a flaw and we should stand up for our fellow introverts (or stand up for ourselves, if we're the introvert). :)