forum Chat Of Appreciation
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Oh my pancaking goodness with extra vanilla extract, I absolutely love the theme song!!! You are really talented @Loops!

I have a list of good songs but they're not in the genre of the current ones?

My suggestions weren't either, I don't think it matters as long as it promotes self-confidence/self-love.

@Pickles group

I'm doing a project for the catcher in the rye and one of the things we have to do is come up with a list of questions to ask JD Salinger (if we could but we can't rip) and I need three more. If anyone has any ideas, please help

@Pickles group

Oh. Uh. Whoops.
I've never read the book, so I'm not gonna be too much help, but what exactly is a rye?

Uhh….I think it's a really tall plant that like grows in a field. So if it's on a cliff and kids are running around…you can imagine what could happen. It's supposed to be a clever name or something. I honestly dont really understand most of what happened but oh well

@Knight-Shives group

Here is cringy intro

That's really cute quick question, why is there a picture of Pepto bismol behind "loved"?

Because I wanted to add another picture and decided to add that, the pepto picture was already in my downloads so i just pixelated it and said loved.


i'm sobbing????
i feel valid thanks @ the people who appreciated @ me !!!!
I appreciate all of y'all as well uwu
but i'm awkward and shy so imma not,,, tag people,,, bc that's scary-


@"don't worry, you will"
and of course
I feel like most of you have been tagged before (probably by me lol) I don't really know most of you that well but from what I've seen, y'all are pretty great

I'm gonna cry…honestly I didn't think anyone even really knew me. Thank you! You are an awesome person too! I have seen a few of your posts and you seem so sweet!

Deleted user

This is Me - the greatest showman
Idk if you have it I haven't gotten through the whole playlist I have to keep pausing it