forum Chat Of Appreciation 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@Cocoa-Nut That's great! I appreciate you for appreciating yourself! :-) Self-appreciation is something that we can all use in our lives! That said, fuck-ups are unfortunately a part of life. How else is one supposed to grow? We, as intelligent human beings, have to learn to learn from our mistakes. We learn and grow from these experiences. However, this isn't always true. We often repeat the same mistakes, not learning from the lesson that they're attempting to teach us. But you know what? That's okay. It's okay to mess up. We're only human, after all. Take the lesson you learned and, well, learn from it. Hopefully you'll remember what you got from it the next time it happens…. Look at me getting all philosophical. Lol

As a side note, I too want to appreciate myself because I edited a few chapters of one of my stories on my own, and plan on tackling the next 11/2 chapters sometime after I wake up! TTFN, this Sy-man is going to bed!


My last appreciation post before I leave

@PatienceKills for being a really good friend for awhile now and helping me through the worst of it a long time ago. Thank you.

@Vinegar-Larry for being a chill dude. We might not know each other very well, but like they say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. You, my dude, are a force to be reckoned with.

@Althalosian-the_Rambly_Flowery_Wordy_Boi , thank you Dom for looking out for me, I really appreciate it.

@RedTheLoveless , I really feel like that people don't appreciate you enough, so this is me appreciating you because I want to and because you're a cool dude.

@Relsey , for giving out such great advice!

@PsychedelicMind , don't know if you're on here anymore, but I wanted to shout you out anyways.

@Owens , because I just like your vibes.

@SupernaturalSyGuyEdt , I don't know you, but I've seen your other threads and you've helped me with my writing a lot.

@Ash-has-a-One-Piece-problem , you seem like a really nice bro, I'd like to get to know you sometime.

@crocs-to-a-knife-fight , thank you for all the good advice you have given me and I'm sure to take you up on your offer sometime in the future, lol.

@Icefire , because I want to.

@Cocoa-Nut , you seem like a really sweet person Ella, please keep doing what you're doing.

@ccb , you seem like a really nice person.

@WriteOutofTime , @StarkSpangledMayflower , thank you for all the great times and roleplay, it was great knowing you guys.

@Becfromthedead , @Carrots , @ShadeStar , @Fantasy-Illy! , that assassin rp was cool as fuck.

@Write_has_a_wedding_to_attend_to , it was nice knowing you dude, thank you for the cool rps and I'm sorry we can't continue them.

@kat_i_am , thank you for getting me through the hard times and being like a second mom to me. I look forward to your sticker shop and I wish you happiness and success.

@1-00 , that mystery thing was really cool and fun! Looking forward it man.

To all the other users that I haven't mentioned, whoever you are, thank you. Thank you for being a part of my childhood.

For the users I don't know, I'd also like to shout you out for your talent, whether you be an artist, writer, musician, designer, etc. This is my appreciation towards you!

@Pickles group

@Vinegar-Larry for being a chill dude. We might not know each other very well, but like they say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. You, my dude, are a force to be reckoned with.

Fuck yeah I am <3

@ccb group

you're a lovely person brooklyn, and i wish you all the best. i think i speak for everyone when i say you always have a home here :)


I actually can't believe I'm forgetting so many people!

@Winter-Will-Be-Your-Shield , I'll miss you Winter, please tell Elias I said hello!


I actually can't believe I'm forgetting so many people!

@Winter-Will-Be-Your-Shield , I'll miss you Winter, please tell Ellis I said hello!

We'll miss you! And Elias says hello as well!

I spelled his name wrong, I'm so sorry, lol.


@RedTheLoveless , I really feel like that people don't appreciate you enough, so this is me appreciating you because I want to and because you're a cool dude.

Thanks, Brooklyn. You're pretty cool yourself.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I actually can't believe I'm forgetting so many people!

@Winter-Will-Be-Your-Shield , I'll miss you Winter, please tell Ellis I said hello!

We'll miss you! And Elias says hello as well!

I spelled his name wrong, I'm so sorry, lol.

It's all good hun!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@SupernaturalSyGuyEdt , I don't know you, but I've seen your other threads and you've helped me with my writing a lot.

All the threads that I've been making are also docs on google. I providedlinks to these at the very top of the Resources thread in the Resources/Q&A section. I'm glad that it has helped. :-)