My last appreciation post before I leave
@PatienceKills for being a really good friend for awhile now and helping me through the worst of it a long time ago. Thank you.
@Vinegar-Larry for being a chill dude. We might not know each other very well, but like they say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. You, my dude, are a force to be reckoned with.
@Althalosian-the_Rambly_Flowery_Wordy_Boi , thank you Dom for looking out for me, I really appreciate it.
@RedTheLoveless , I really feel like that people don't appreciate you enough, so this is me appreciating you because I want to and because you're a cool dude.
@Relsey , for giving out such great advice!
@PsychedelicMind , don't know if you're on here anymore, but I wanted to shout you out anyways.
@Owens , because I just like your vibes.
@SupernaturalSyGuyEdt , I don't know you, but I've seen your other threads and you've helped me with my writing a lot.
@Ash-has-a-One-Piece-problem , you seem like a really nice bro, I'd like to get to know you sometime.
@crocs-to-a-knife-fight , thank you for all the good advice you have given me and I'm sure to take you up on your offer sometime in the future, lol.
@Icefire , because I want to.
@Cocoa-Nut , you seem like a really sweet person Ella, please keep doing what you're doing.
@ccb , you seem like a really nice person.
@WriteOutofTime , @StarkSpangledMayflower , thank you for all the great times and roleplay, it was great knowing you guys.
@Becfromthedead , @Carrots , @ShadeStar , @Fantasy-Illy! , that assassin rp was cool as fuck.
@Write_has_a_wedding_to_attend_to , it was nice knowing you dude, thank you for the cool rps and I'm sorry we can't continue them.
@kat_i_am , thank you for getting me through the hard times and being like a second mom to me. I look forward to your sticker shop and I wish you happiness and success.
@1-00 , that mystery thing was really cool and fun! Looking forward it man.
To all the other users that I haven't mentioned, whoever you are, thank you. Thank you for being a part of my childhood.
For the users I don't know, I'd also like to shout you out for your talent, whether you be an artist, writer, musician, designer, etc. This is my appreciation towards you!