forum Chat Of Appreciation 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Dayzed local_movies

I’m here again appreciating my husbando for the second time (even though I know you won’t see this-)
You’re the person I feel comfortable sharing my personal stuff to and I’m just grateful that you’ve been there for me (I know I say this a lot but I really mean it)

@Pickles group

I'm always like "man idk what to say for this thing" and then you're like "you could say something like [whatever] or something" and then I just steal it and change like two words


I'm always like "man idk what to say for this thing" and then you're like "you could say something like [whatever] or something" and then I just steal it and change like two words

Oh yay ☺

Deleted user

My new friend! @BoulevardOfBreakingDreams
I really appreciate you!! :)


@tungsten fastfood

Ok TRUE @Katastrophe you're an awesome writer and illustrator and even though it didn't last very long, your campaign was awesome and you're a great DM

@Katastrophic group

omg thank you guys! <3
i wish i had more time to do dnd and actually get a campaign past session 1 lol, you guys were a great group but I couldn't keep up to dm it


Appreciation to

  1. The robot at my local martins, his name is Marty, he is my dude, and he has googly eyes.
    I think that's what matters the most.

  2. My adorable sister. She's taking gymnastic claszes , and when mom turns the gymnastics on TV she says she's going to be on TV doing that when she's a grown up and its precious.

  3. My poor friends having to deal with my ace attorney ramble bullshit, whenever they're in my vicinity.