forum Can I Just Have a Civil Conversation about Our US Governent?
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Okay so I’m angry.

I’m so angry.


Okay so Trump can go ahead and do whatever the hell he wants, shut down the government, ruin lives, ruin the economy etc. (he can’t I’m just angry)

Then he walks all over Iraq like oh yeah I totally got rid of terrorists totally lmao and mettle with Russia oh yes

I’m not usually this “Democratic” or “Liberal” but oh my god this has gotten ridiculous. I don’t mean to offend anyone but seriously I just want to sit down and talk about it with someone.

Because I need to vent



Deleted user

No, I do not. I want to talk with someone who expresses the same amout of anger as I am atm

Bc this has gotten so out of hand.

Deleted user

Nononono Non-Americans please step in and tell us what you think. As an American, I feel like we look like absolute children. @ninja_violinist what do you think we look like?

@Becfromthedead group

Oof… I'm pretty angry, too. It doesn't really affect my daily life personally, but it's really damaging to some people, and that's being completely overlooked.
(And watch this battle end in another continuing resolution…)

Deleted user


“On fire”



Anyway technically you’re right.



“On fire”



Anyway technically you’re right.

Lmao wow Emi I see how it is with us Californians

But yeah you're not wrong



“On fire”



Anyway technically you’re right.

Lmao wow Emi I see how it is with us Californians

But yeah you're not wrong

Definitely not wrong.

Deleted user

I didn’t mean to offend the Californians.

Technically everything is on fire over there, and nothing’s going over to help. And now that we’re dropped out of the Paris Agreement, a lot more stuff is gonna blow up and catch on fire. In long term.

Deleted user

Hasn't the gov been shut down a few times though?

Yes, that’s really why it’s not that big of a deal to the Democrats rn


Hasn't the gov been shut down a few times though?

Yes, that’s really why it’s not that big of a deal to the Democrats rn

It's been shut down 21 times total, three of those were President Trump. Before this one came around, the longest one lasted 21 days (under Bill Clinton, 1995-1996)

Deleted user


I didn’t know it was that many times. But I knew it was longest yet.

@Becfromthedead group

Hasn't the gov been shut down a few times though?

Yes, that’s really why it’s not that big of a deal to the Democrats rn

This is only the 10th shutdown in our history, though, and it's the longest, if I'm not mistaken. The first was pretty recent- in 1980. 7 of these lasted 5 or fewer days. No big deal, right? But this one has lasted for what? 35 days and counting? Not to mention this is the second time the government has been shut down since Trump got into office. The other one was only 3 days, but still… that's 2 years in a row. The second longest shutdown was under Clinton- 21 days. Most of us were not alive back then and don't really know the public reaction. There was also one in 2013 that lasted 16 days under Obama. I don't remember that really well either… just that some people were really angry about it.

@Becfromthedead group

Hang on, don't quote me on all of that. I gotta do a little more fact checking. I'm seeing sources that describe that Clinton shutdown as the "worst," but idk about longest. Apparently, there were 2 back-to-back shutdowns under his presidency, maybe…?

@Becfromthedead group

Hasn't the gov been shut down a few times though?

Yes, but not this long before. It's a bit worrisome, don't you think?

Didn't Carter do one for 57 days? Has it been that long? I haven't been keeping track.

Nope. Not all at once, at least.