forum Artist problems?
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I know there are a lot of artists on notebook, I’m kind of one of them. I’m very curious, what bothers you the most while drawing, what problems do you have with it? I know I have a lot but yeah

Deleted user

male lips

my style doesn’t have lips, well it’s somewhat there but still, I don’t feel your pain.
When your drawing and you don’t remember what said character looks like so if an OC you dig through your image storage and or google drive searching for said character. If a fictional character you take a minute to look up said characters name and mostly females see very cursed images when you just wanted a regular portrait so you sit there and internally scream.


My biggest artist problem is my inability to say no, I get all these 8 year olds asking me to draw them and then I end up saying “sure” because I have no control and then end up disappointing people

Deleted user

Eyelashes. And hands. I'm starting to get the hang of hands now, but definitely eyelashes.

Deleted user

Legs, feet, hands, they all suck, I can’t draw any of the three. I’m perfectly fine with everyone else, but except arms aren’t my strong suit.

Deleted user

Hands, Feet, and Heads. I can't draw them, but if I do pixel art, I get them good most of the time. I hate them hands and feet when I draw, but pixel art I have it down.

Deleted user

I can’t draw feet at all, at least I can sort of draw hands, my feet just look like shit.

Deleted user

Okay feet. Like how are you even supposed to???? I'm sort of okay at shoes, depends on the shoe, but bare feet. How?!

Deleted user

Both my actual feet, and my drawing of feet look terrible.

Deleted user

Okay feet. Like how are you even supposed to???? I'm sort of okay at shoes, depends on the shoe, but bare feet. How?!

I can’t even draw shoes! I have to have the shape of the body before I start with clothing and stuff, and guess what? I lazily cut off the feet because nope.

Deleted user

Fuck, now I want to do Pixel Art, but I am at school so I can't, reeeeee.

Deleted user

Open lips. I'm so bad at them. Closed lips are easy, but I can't get open ones right!

Deleted user

When you accidentally made a character look like you but only your posture, which in my case they look like they have scoliosis.

Deleted user

Oh wait. COBWEBS.
Like fuck cobwebs, and cracks in screens or something. Those are hard as fuck to get right.

Deleted user

When you realize you put a hole in your sketch paper and get really frustrated because you can’t erase that area or the hole will get worse so you ignore it and the drawing ends up super wonky and trashy.

Deleted user

When you realize you put a hole in your sketch paper and get really frustrated because you can’t erase that area or the hole will get worse so you ignore it and the drawing ends up super wonky and trashy.

Sounds of unaudiable rage.

Deleted user

When your sketch looks so amazing then you realize you put the eye in the wrong positions so when you move it you can still see the erased former eye they you internally scream because you messed it up.


When someone sees you drawing
and they come really close
and look over your shoulder
and peer into the abyss of your inadequacy

"why doesn't she have clothes?"
"I ' m n o t f i n i s h e d"

Deleted user

When you realize you put a hole in your sketch paper and get really frustrated because you can’t erase that area or the hole will get worse so you ignore it and the drawing ends up super wonky and trashy.

Sounds of unaudiable rage.

I feel your pain