forum Artist problems?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 42 followers


boys. are. satanic
see, girls are easy because they have curves and I know where to put them.
boys? angles. ho w

Deleted user

If you need me to pose for your art, I'll do it, since I am a boy :P

Deleted user

Upper torso is pretty straight, maybe be do a slight outwards curve. Lower torso very slightly curves in then out.

Deleted user

Yeah, boys are tough without a reference…..thanks for the info, Crisp :)

Deleted user

I don't mind posing if you need a ref image ever, it might take me a while to get the pictures tho

Deleted user

quick question:
how in the hell do your torsos work????

Torso’s are one of the eaisest things for me, anything else besides head and hair are trash.

Deleted user



I hate them with the entirey of my being

Also drawing hair that doesn't fit the person you're drawing and you've already shaded it and you sit back and see that it doesn't match at all and it's too late to change it

Deleted user



I hate them with the entirey of my being

Also drawing hair that doesn't fit the person you're drawing and you've already shaded it and you sit back and see that it doesn't match at all and it's too late to change it

When you are drawing but realize the chest is too large so you roll with it, then waste a page because you can’t even look at it.


When someone sees you drawing
and they come really close
and look over your shoulder
and peer into the abyss of your inadequacy

"why doesn't she have clothes?"
"I ' m n o t f i n i s h e d"

OMFG I know the feeling


when you're drawing a girl and someone comes up to you and (very intelligently) asks
"why does she have boobs?"
because that's how fucking anatomy works, imbecile


when you doodle on your canvas too much so you cant undo it all and you forget to put it on a different layer and you did it on your drawing and then you have to figure out how to erase it without fucking it up too much


when you draw something perfect but after you've exported it you realize that there's a few tiny mistakes that make a big difference so you have to fix them and export it again

Deleted user

when you doodle on your canvas too much so you cant undo it all and you forget to put it on a different layer and you did it on your drawing and then you have to figure out how to erase it without fucking it up too much

That reason is literally the reason I stopped drawing digitally. That and because I sucked at it, lol.


when you doodle on your canvas too much so you cant undo it all and you forget to put it on a different layer and you did it on your drawing and then you have to figure out how to erase it without fucking it up too much

That reason is literally the reason I stopped drawing digitally. That and because I sucked at it, lol.



When you’re drawing traditionally and make a mistake but you pressed too hard with your pencil so now it won’t erase


Deleted user

When you’re drawing traditionally and make a mistake but you pressed too hard with your pencil so now it won’t erase

I do that all the time because apparently I don’t know what lightness is.


when you do all the lighting to one part only to realize two seconds later that you made a fatal mistake and have to redo it (especially sucks for traditional)

@Mojack group

I’ve always been pretty good at drawing males. Gotta improve on my females (despite me being a female) but I’ve gotten better on them too.

I remember I was doing a black line for my drawing and I had almost finished the outline until I checked my layers to remove the redline and at that moment I saw I had put my outline on my rough sketch.

I took a break after that.