forum Anyone got tips on how to stop procrastinating?
Started by @oracle-of-delphi flash_on

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@oracle-of-delphi flash_on

Lately, I’ve been procrastinating a lot, and it’s been affecting my school grades. (no surprise there) I want to stop procrastinating, but I don’t how. Do any of you have tips on how to stop procrastinating?


Turn off the computer, ya dumdum. Stop asking for help waiting around for it, because that's how you start procrastinating in the first place! Get to it!

@Knight-Shives group

Just realize how it is affecting grades, step away from everything and start slow. Find work that you have to do and take small breaks every once in awhile. Also celebrate when you finish everything. Also, maybe getting off notebook with help.

@oracle-of-delphi flash_on

Turn off the computer, ya dumdum. Stop asking for help waiting around for it, because that's how you start procrastinating in the first place! Get to it!

Thank you for those wonderful words of motivation.


Here's what I've found, since I struggle with this A LOT
The sad truth is, there's no 'secret.' You either do stuff, or you don't.
But some things that help me do instead of don't:

  • Set a timer on things you want to do to procrastinate. Set it for NO LONGER than 5 minutes. A soon as it rings, look at your list of what you HAVE to do, then pick one, or eeny meeny miny mo it, and then start
  • If you're having trouble still getting started, take a deep breath, count backwards from five, and enjoy not doing anything for those five. Then start.
  • Tell someone else what you're planning, and set up a system with a time limit, where afterwards, they check in on you
  • Put a severe consequence at the end if you don't succeed. You will have to suffer here. If you're anything like be, rewards don't really work, since I find it hard to enjoy things. One of mine, is that if I don't achieve x (reasonable) goal, I will not eat lunch, or I will not get online the next day.
  • High stakes, low pressure: Set yourself up for success by picking a really scary punishment, but a super achievable goal. That will build up your confidence, and you'll start getting more done.
  • High pressure, low stakes: Have a Get Stuff Done Party. Contact a sibling, friend or anyone you know who is struggling like you are. Set a time limit of one or two hours, tell each other what you're going to do, then don't talk until the time is up, and just WORK. The idea here is to actually to the opposite as above. Your only punishment is letting your friend down by not doing what you promised you would do, and you want to REALLY push yourself here. Now is the time to set unreasonable goals, and write them down. The only way to win this game is by either achieving your goals, or just staying focused the whole time. Even if you only get one thing done, as long as you were really working, you're a winner.
  • For example of the above, here's one list from one of my parties: Do work on three of my online courses, work on my garden plan, work on my psychology paper, write two pages on my story, finish the coloring on my comic page, and catch up on my daily writing prompts. (This is a two hour work load,, but I got most of it done in an hour and a half. For the record, I actually did everything I set out to do, in the time allotted. Really push yourself, and you might be amazed.)

Having said all that, I just spent that time writing that as a way to procrastinate


I've found few things that explain what goes on in my procrastinator brain as effectively as these articles