forum Anyone else here with anxiety, depression, agitation, etc on here too?

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@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

okay so does anyone have emotional abusive parents? My parents recently just got divorced and whenever im at my mom's house i am pretty sure she mentally abuses me but I don't know???

I think a lot of parents are emotionally abusive without meaning to be. My mom gets mad at me a lot and it makes me feel like shit and I know exactly what she's thinking just by the way she looks at me and for how long, so it stresses me out when someone looks at me for too long because I think they're mad at me when in all reality, they're not. I mean, if she folds laundry or puts away clean dishes a certain way or sets down a bag of groceries a little to hard, I know that she's mad and she's gonna take it out on me without realizing it. She doesn't mean to, but she does and it's the little things like that that give me anxiety when someone does the same thing but isn't actually mad. I'd talk to someone about it, even if it's just a friend. It helped me to tell my best friend, Isaac, about it because he tries really hard not to stress me out in that way now. Like, literally, he can tell when something reminds me of that because I kinda flinch and he immediately comes and hugs me and tells me it's nothing and that no one's mad at me and won't let me go until I'm breathing normally again and he is certain that I'm okay. So, yeah, I would tell at least a close friend…

Deleted user

okay so does anyone have emotional abusive parents? My parents recently just got divorced and whenever im at my mom's house i am pretty sure she mentally abuses me but I don't know???

Yeah… i'd say im in that boat too… Im afraid to say it… because i love my mother… but she, and my siblings, are damaging me…

Deleted user

When it's strangers, you can somewhat shake it off…. when its someone who you look up to…. it hurts…

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

When it's strangers, you can somewhat shake it off…. when its someone who you look up to…. it hurts…

Truth. It really hurts when it's your family who's saying all these things about you, even if they're just joking because it only reinforces what you tell yourself and they don't even realize how much it hurts you because you have to hide it from them, otherwise they'll either judge you and won't believe you, or they'll treat you like you're made of glass and could break at any second.

Deleted user

When it's strangers, you can somewhat shake it off…. when its someone who you look up to…. it hurts…

Truth. It really hurts when it's your family who's saying all these things about you, even if they're just joking because it only reinforces what you tell yourself and they don't even realize how much it hurts you because you have to hide it from them, otherwise they'll either judge you and won't believe you, or they'll treat you like you're made of glass and could break at any second.

Yes… or they do all at once…


When it's strangers, you can somewhat shake it off…. when its someone who you look up to…. it hurts…

because you know the one person who would always love you..doesn't.


I promised myself I wouldn't. Complaining won't solve anything.

No… But telling me what's wrong earnestly eill allow me to help, and maybe allow you to get some things off of your chest. I won't force you to do anything, obviously… But if you need anything, I'm here…


I'd feel so guilty venting to you. You help out everyone on and I'm sure it's tough. Believe me, I know what it's like to fear that people you care about are going to die. I'm going to carry my weight instead of dropping another weight in your pile.


I'd feel so guilty venting to you. You help out everyone on and I'm sure it's tough. Believe me, I know what it's like to fear that people you care about are going to die. I'm going to carry my weight instead of dropping another weight in your pile.

Sweetie, it's fine. No need to feel guilty. But I get you, so I guess I'll see you around…


okay so does anyone have emotional abusive parents? My parents recently just got divorced and whenever im at my mom's house i am pretty sure she mentally abuses me but I don't know???

I think a lot of parents are emotionally abusive without meaning to be. My mom gets mad at me a lot and it makes me feel like shit and I know exactly what she's thinking just by the way she looks at me and for how long, so it stresses me out when someone looks at me for too long because I think they're mad at me when in all reality, they're not. I mean, if she folds laundry or puts away clean dishes a certain way or sets down a bag of groceries a little to hard, I know that she's mad and she's gonna take it out on me without realizing it. She doesn't mean to, but she does and it's the little things like that that give me anxiety when someone does the same thing but isn't actually mad. I'd talk to someone about it, even if it's just a friend. It helped me to tell my best friend, Isaac, about it because he tries really hard not to stress me out in that way now. Like, literally, he can tell when something reminds me of that because I kinda flinch and he immediately comes and hugs me and tells me it's nothing and that no one's mad at me and won't let me go until I'm breathing normally again and he is certain that I'm okay. So, yeah, I would tell at least a close friend…

you can talk to me if you want :)

I know precisely what you're going through