forum Anyone else here with anxiety, depression, agitation, etc on here too?

people_alt 82 followers

@PurplePartyTiger language

random person in the back
Me: "Oh, shut up, and keep your offended-ness to yourself. You don't need to blab it to the whole world."
Of course, I would probably never actually say that out loud, but I want to.


Yeah. I get when people kindly explain why they think what you said is wrong, or politely tell you why they don't want you to say things like that or why they're offended, but most of the time people overreact and it's just tiring


Fears: death, living, being abandoned, being stripped of senses, living in the streets, sex, addiction, nobody believing me when I'm telling the truth, snakes, spiders, the list goes on
Things I hate: the majority of the population, injustice, abusive people, therapists, sorry there's way too many to list and if i keep going I'm going to get really angry for no reason

@PurplePartyTiger language

I hate certain textures like on cardboard and toilet paper, and wool. I fear wasps, and falling, and boiling oil.

I might have mentioned this before, but I also hate the duct-tape duck. shrugs

Deleted user

Im scared to lose everyone I love, being rejected, being forgotten, bugs, crocodiles, and worms and more

Deleted user

Dude, I'm seriously scared of worms, They're horifyying! and so are snails and slugs.


Slugs are gross. When I lived in Japan, there were little tiny snails everywhere and we used to play with them and toss them and smash them. I can't stand big snails though.


I am scared of heights between 3ft and 10ft anything higher than that is ok. I'm also scared of social situations, most ones were I feel judged.