forum Any INFP-Ts?
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anybody else have this problem? I am an INFP, and my sister told me the other day that I am not sensitive or emotional at all. That i keep a straight face all the time and shes muuuuuch more of an emotional person than I am. Which is completely untrue; I am an emotional person (meaning I feel emotions deeply, not go crazy all the time). I just don't show other people. I don't show her. I haven't cried in front of her in centuries, and I always look zoned out or lost in thought. So she never knows what i feel. Anyone else been accused of being stonefaced or something when you're really the opposite?

Deleted user

Yes, I understand what you're saying. My parents always say I have no feelings whatsoever

Deleted user

anybody else have this problem? I am an INFP, and my sister told me the other day that I am not sensitive or emotional at all. That i keep a straight face all the time and shes muuuuuch more of an emotional person than I am. Which is completely untrue; I am an emotional person (meaning I feel emotions deeply, not go crazy all the time). I just don't show other people. I don't show her. I haven't cried in front of her in centuries, and I always look zoned out or lost in thought. So she never knows what i feel. Anyone else been accused of being stonefaced or something when you're really the opposite?

I have a similar issue…
I stay quite, i stay reserved, i stay to myself, but when i let any emotion go at all, im called a "snowflake" and a "drama queen" :/

Deleted user

Ikr? People get upset when you show emotion but also when you dont. Whats that about?

I don't know… maybe because my family are far rights and they just… hate emotion?

Deleted user

Like politically? If so, how do the two correlate?

Yeah, right wing-ers. It's mostly because I expressed my fondness and support to the LGBT+ community (because I'm a closeted member), my support of human choice, and my openness to all people… which would be a good thing, since my family is Christian, but they didn't take it so well.
So now, when I became more comfortable showing and venting my emotions after years of stifling multiple mental disorders, I'm now getting ridiculed for showing what I really am, to my family, after they were begging me a year ago to open up again. It sucks.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That does really suck. But don't generalize. It's not the Christians or the Right™. Every group has people like that along with people who are perfectly tolerant to everything. Granted, it's a lot easier to put people in groups to understand them better, (I am learning to do the same.) but humanity is far more complicated than that.

Deleted user

That does really suck. But don't generalize. It's not the Christians or the Right™. Every group has people like that along with people who are perfectly tolerant to everything. Granted, it's a lot easier to put people in groups to understand them better, (I am learning to do the same.) but humanity is far more complicated than that.

I know, I wasn't trying to generalize. I was just trying to explain this. I apologize if I have offended you.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nah it's cool. I was worried you'd get pissed from what I said.
And hint for life. Don't worry too much about offending people. Don't purposefully offend anyone of course, but you should be able to say whatever you please without worrying as long as you are being respectful.
Works for me.
(This was your pep talk of the day thing? Idk…)

Deleted user

Nah it's cool. I was worried you'd get pissed from what I said.
And hint for life. Don't worry too much about offending people. Don't purposefully offend anyone of course, but you should be able to say whatever you please without worrying as long as you are being respectful.
Works for me.
(This was your pep talk of the day thing? Idk…)

I don't get pissed off easily, so you don't have to worry about that with me. Also thanks for the advice but peer pressure is a pretty hard thing to cope with, along with internal pressure. I'll try to keep that in mind.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Can I say all art? Lol. I really enjoy anything that seems realistic, though. Like, I love animated movies/shows as much as the next person, but I don't really enjoy all the cartoon-y fake stuff. But I also have a love for the fantastic and the unreal, so I dunno… Basically everything. 😁


Can I say all art? Lol. I really enjoy anything that seems realistic, though. Like, I love animated movies/shows as much as the next person, but I don't really enjoy all the cartoon-y fake stuff. But I also have a love for the fantastic and the unreal, so I dunno… Basically everything. 😁

Pfft mood

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I totally love drawing, but I can't paint for the life of me. Lol. I also really enjoy dancing, singing (which I'm not so great at, but I do it anyway!), and I'm going to try my hand at acting soon!

Deleted user

I love drawing and I think I’m pretty ok at it. I love love love to paint and I think I’m pretty good at that, too!