forum Any INFP-Ts?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 36 followers

Deleted user

We’re only 4% of the population!!! 😱

Anywho I just took the test and now I’m curious, lol.

Deleted user

Ooh! You’re totally a INFP-T.

Bro did you know J.R.R Tolken is one too? And Frodo Baggins is too!


I had to Google what that meant and… Well, one of the first results showed that according to Bible studies, that was Jesus's personality type. I think.

Deleted user

So you have something in common with the LORD

Na man I just did some Googleing and his personality type is without the T also no offence or anything I'm an atheist so…

Deleted user

Lol. Ikr? I was like, "Woah… Accurate…"

And Tom Hiddleston! He's INFP-T, too.

I know! It’s awesome!


So you have something in common with the LORD

Na man I just did some Googleing and his personality type is without the T also no offence or anything I'm an atheist so…

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