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Deleted user

So I'm babysitting my two little brothers for the whole week and I want to introduce them more towards anime. The thing is, I know anime isn't always the cleanest, always popping in a little something just for laughs. But I come from a strong Christian home (though my parents know about me (and my sisters) obsessions with eastern stuff and are okay with it, but they have never really seen anything "naughty" in anime. And I'm not saying all anime is 'bad'!) So I need a good, clean, rated G anime for kids in the age range from 8-10 without any that they would talk about to my parents. (They do that alot). Please let me know if you have any suggestions! 🙇🙇


Studio Ghibli movies like My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, or Spirited Away (if you can handle the weird) are all great.

Deleted user

Studio Ghibli was all I could think of too! But we've sadly watched most if not all of them :( But thanks for trying!

@Becfromthedead group

I haven't seen a lot of really clean anime, honestly, but maybe a sports anime would be good? They tend to be a lot cleaner. I've only seen Haikyuu and a little bit of Free, but I think they're both okay, maybe. You might want to check on it first, because I'm sure there are some little things that aren't G-rated

Deleted user

Have you heard of Line Webtoon?

Yes I have! I read lots!

Deleted user

Well does anybody know some kawaii filled anime? Something like Gakuen Babysitters or How to Keep a Mummy ?

Deleted user

Hmm, I might look into that! Anything else?

Deleted user

Wassup!? :D I hope it's anime! But if you're here for conversation I am not against that!

Deleted user

About the same here.
Well, I guess I can say that my parents have gone on a week long vacation and have left me to mostly babysit my two younger brother of the ages 11 and 8.
( -_-) They don't listen worth a dango🍡.

Deleted user

Yep, except now they believe they have free range since mom's gone. ;-;

Deleted user

Mine talk their mouths off in front of others. It's so embarrassing because it not intelligent speak either.

@Becfromthedead group

Hahah yeah. Mostly my brother and I argue all the time, because he'll say something dumb, and I just can't let anything slide, especially if he's trying to be cool by insulting me or things that I've done. We used to get along pretty well, but he's kind of rude to me most of the time now.

Deleted user

It's the teen stage. Most kids go through it…sadly.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah. I've literally told my parents they had it easy with me because I didn't really have a "rebellious phase." Once I leave for college, they're going to have their hands full.