Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

Well I take some college classes and let me tell you, sometimes the kids are worth the pain of not going. I am so relieved that summer is now here. Because they can't make me go because I've earned myself a break. And then they dumped this babysitting job on me…

@Becfromthedead group

Also, just a general anime recommendation (not for kids). Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is really good. It looks completely over-the-top, and it is, but it's honestly so great. Really violent, though.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I've got just the one sibling, so I'm not going to be missing a whole lot when I go off. I've been aching to leave for the past two years. I'm just really ready to become independent. However, the college I'm going to is only 2.5 hours from home, so if I ever need anything, I can always make a day trip.

Deleted user

Byeeeeee…..I'm stalling for time but I really need to go :'( see ya maybe tomorrow!