forum Angsty String Instrument Players
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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don't worry, if I get a new acoustic like I think I am then I'll bring it to school and you can play it a little

I appreciate but
there's no way I would be able to handle playing an instrument at the school
where there are people
I can hardly handle playing an instrument at home bc I feel like my neighbors can hear me so I either lock myself in my parents room, the bathroom, or the garage


well tell the universe to fuck off because I don't own an electric guitar for nothing

I literally fended off my mother by turning my amp up almost all the way and playing a G on heavy distortion


My dad would probably break my ukulele in half if I played it too loud. He threatened it once when I played it in the living room so now I hide away and strum with my thumb so it's a lot quieter


my amp is scratchy as shit when the distortion setting is just on two

my mom kept chasing me trying to make me dance with her so I hid in the office and played random shit at full volume until she left lmao


I wanna learn so much on my uke but i hardly even have time to play between school and finals and everything

Same, I can't wait until break


honestly if you knew how much of one thing I consumed in one sitting

I once had a craving for bread and ate nearly an entire loaf of sourdough toast