forum Angsty String Instrument Players
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 7 followers


Bc barre chords and chucking
who the fuck thought those were good ideas
(sorry I just started playing uke a few months ago and I'm having trouble lmao)


yeets self into air

hi yes I do the guitar

the guitar is the ukulele
in satan form
why the fuck are there so many strings I have baby hands I literally can't play some of them bc my fingers can't reach


and ukes are just the tiny baby version of guitars

and honestly I wasn't worried about reaching the chords until I started learning My Smile is Extinct because now I can't reach the damn fret I need with my pinkie


also it hurts
I thought I had a high pain tolerance but apparently I don't because playing acoustic guitar, where you actually have to strain to push down on the strings hard enough, was painful as fuuuckkkk


and ukes are just the tiny baby version of guitars

and honestly I wasn't worried about reaching the chords until I started learning My Smile is Extinct because now I can't reach the damn fret I need with my pinkie

also ukuleles are not baby versions of guitars. They are evolved, less hellish and less painful versions of guitars

Deleted user

Always go with learning the electric before the acoustic, it costs less, and the strings are less painful!…in my experience at least.


Always go with learning the electric before the acoustic, it costs less, and the strings are less painful!…in my experience at least.

My acoustic was free bc it's my dad's and he doesn't play it anymore… and it might hurt less, but from what I've heard, once you learn how to play acoustic you can play electric no problem, because electric is way easier than acoustic. But if you learn electric first, you'll have to take some time to learn acoustic too if you want to play that because you have to press down harder on the strings and it's more difficult to make good sound.


And yes, electric is cheaper, but if you want good sound from electric you're also going to want a good amp to go along with it, which can also cost quite a bit of money.


yeah I've got electric and it's old as fuck so it's roughly the same difficulty to play as an acoustic since the strings are difficult to push down
but my current problem is the intro for my smile is extinct bc I apparently have short pinkies


I agree fuck bar chords like who tf do they think they are coming in the middle of an otherwise easy chord progression, like why are you here

sdkjhsdfkljhasdfjh what a mood