forum Angsty String Instrument Players
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Honestly I wish but at the same time, staying home would stress me out. We get soooo much work and just that would probably be all that I think about stressing myself out
I'll just hold on for two weeks


Honestly I wish but at the same time, staying home would stress me out. We get soooo much work and just that would probably be all that I think about stressing myself out
I'll just hold on for two weeks

Okay, well good luck…

Deleted user

My friend is getting a uke for Christmas and she wants me to teach her and I’m s t r e s s e d (also I’m like big dumb because I’m like, hey this is my hobby, not yours, go do something else)


Welp I saw the title how could I resist
Hello strings players I’m Topaz and I play viola

oh wow I've never met a viola player before
I played in the school orchestra at one point but we had close to no viola players


hhhhhhh I want to play cello/bass but here I am stuck with a broken violin

Poor baby.

Two broken violins, actually
my house isn't always heated so it gets super cold and then super hot. It screwed up the pegs and now some won't stay in place and some won't move. It sucks.


I dropped my uke and the E string peg is really loose now

I know there's this stuff that you can use to make your pegs like… stickier? I'm not sure if they have it for ukulele but they have it for other string instruments


I actually used to play violin? I've played drums, flute, trumpet, violin, and now guitar

I want to play drums so badddd
I lowkey want to play every instrument really bad, and if I could I would just stay home and practice playing all of my instruments all day but I can't