forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As a general rule, boys can't actually tell when you're wearing makeup, unless your lips are blue or something and it's kind of hilarious, watching them realize they've never actually seen one of their friends without makeup

I'm outside of this rule.

@Pickles group

As a general rule, boys can't actually tell when you're wearing makeup, unless your lips are blue or something and it's kind of hilarious, watching them realize they've never actually seen one of their friends without makeup

I'm outside of this rule.

As much as I'm sure you believe this, doubt. At least part of the time

Deleted user

(Sorry I disappeared.I had a ton of Homework to do-)

Deleted user

Thank you Mosis for this new font tool.

No problem

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As a general rule, boys can't actually tell when you're wearing makeup, unless your lips are blue or something and it's kind of hilarious, watching them realize they've never actually seen one of their friends without makeup

I'm outside of this rule.

As much as I'm sure you believe this, doubt. At least part of the time

I have four sisters and most of my friends are female and I've seen them all without makeup all the time except for one. (Who I responded by saying "Your face is naked!")

Deleted user

Well. Me and my school went on a ship. We were having a grand Time until the captain disappeared. When he did (Somehow) Everyone dispread. There was only me and like 5 other people. We found out that the captain was a crazed man. He was a cannibal- He killed half my school- We eventually killed the captain and went to land-….

(This dream came to me last year and the year before so I'm bamboozled)

Deleted user

Yes. But im freaked out! This dream also came to me a year ago and 2 years ago! It's keep coming back-


Exactly. It is the book you are destined to write. It keeps coming back to you because the plot is crying out to be written.


I haven't had any dreams like that yet, and I'm a bit jealous, tbh.
Also, strange fact, I have a friend who has somehow trained herself to have lucid dreams like twice a week.


How old are you MG?

I am immortal foolish human HEH HEH HEH
(OK but no seriously I won't share bc personal info and I'm sensitive about that :) )

@Toaster group

There were newborn cats in my dream.
They were so cute!
They kept reachin' out their wittle paws.
I pet the tiny paws.
Then they screamed at me in a demand to be pet some more. XD


I wish I had dreams like that but NO I have to dream about putting fish in grilled cheese sandwiches for some reason