forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


The actual story is a bit longer, but yeah, that's the bare bones of it. I just don't like telling it bc of bad memories.


I am wearing a sweatshirt and I have a blanket. It's probably also due to the fact that my hair is wet, tho. And probably that I haven't eaten anything yet today -
begins snarfing Marshmallow Mateys


I'm sleepy and I don't want to do things. I am currently sitting in my room with no lights on but my IKEA colour-changing LEDs on, and they are cycling thru rainbow colours.


I have had various Def Leppard songs cycling thru being stuck in my head today. Right now, it's Run Riot; before that, it was Don't Shoot Shot Gun, and before that, it was Hysteria, and before that, it was Animal.

@saor_illust school

I feel you on the sleepy part– I've been trying to function normally on probably less than two hours of sleep all day.

But also, that means Tired Izzy is here. And as Zach so accurately described Tired Izzy, I "have more spelling mistakes and insist that I don't need to sleep more."

Which means I'm going to keep saying that I'm fine, I don't need sleep. I've functioned on no sleep for much longer.

@Anemone eco

Uh, no. You cannot. Because I do not. I may not sleep, but I pull the "I'll pass out later" card, not the I've gone longer card.

Hmm. You should sleep now. Y'know. Night time, when you're supposed to be sleeping. So you have more time to do things during the day.

@saor_illust school

lkjdsfkljfdsklj fine

yeah but tomorrow is saturday i don't have to do much tomorrow
now that i look at it
is there anything preplanned that i have to do tomorrow?
i'm fine
i'm good

@Anemone eco

Well… uhh… find stuff to do. Practice your instrument, watch a few educational videos, study for school, watch some shows or something to entertain yourself, doodle, clean up.

@Anemone eco

Hmm. Try to go to sleep at a semi-reasonable time though. I know it's not as late where you are as it is where I am, but still.

@saor_illust school


the only problems with staying up are that i get hungry so i won't be falling asleep anytime soon as i am currently consuming sugar. i also am now bored because there aren't many people on late at night

@Anemone eco

True. Though that's because most people are wimpy potatoes. A.k.a. have semi-normal sleep patterns and are American.