forum Adventures In Old And Cringy Writing
Started by @Pickles group

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(Okay so good bad news, the flash drive is refusing to be accessed by my laptop. Oh no… looks like I'll have to wait to embarrass myself share my young-self writings.)

@Pickles group

"“I… I love you…” Draco gazed sadly after Hermione, holding the arm that she had slapped.
He had made up his mind to tell her quite some time ago, a while after he had sorted out his feelings for her. But every time he started to, he got flustered and spouted random nonsense about missing homework. His grades were going down from “not having homework done”. He had to find some way to get rid of it so Hermione didn't see that he did have his homework. He smiled, remembering how he had gone to the bathroom, expecting to flush it down the toilet, when Moaning Myrtle swooped down since grabbed it out of his hands."

I mean nevermind the fact that she's a ghost ig

@Shadow_Knight group

Now there is one more thing I need to tell you before you can get to the story, you need to know about area 53. Area 53 is a government organization that rounds up Gracos and put them in camps to find out more about them. “Why?” you ask “Why would they do such a thing?” well the explanation is they are scared. Scared that our numbers could get out of control and start to hurt “real humans” and they could do nothing to stop it. So they hire Super Power Poachers ( SPP) to capture Gracos and sell them to the government. And this is where it all began.


@Pickles group

I'm mad that I've gone back and edited stuff. Because a lot of my ideas weren't terrible, so I thought, hey I'll add onto that holy crap it's awful I have to fix it

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Back to my pumpkin
"My top is cut open, and my guts are cut open and baked. Then my eyes are carved! I can see! I’m happy until I see the mirror, where I realize my eyes are carved by a 3-year old, and they aren’t really eyes! Then I feel her cutting my nose which is only a tiny square! Then my mouth is carved into a hideous frown."

Poor Alex

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Some more highlights from my pumpkin story:

"She puts me in her bed, and goes to sleep. I, however have eternally open eyes, and have to somehow entertain myself all night."


"She eats breakfast (made from my guts. Ew…)"


"After school, Molly goes home and sits in front of a weird thing, like a box, with moving pictures. I want to turn around, but I can’t. I just have to stare all day, for who knows how long, until one of the parents yells, “Molly! Have you done your homework?” She jumps up and presses a button to turn off the box, and goes to scribble on a meaningless piece of paper."

Apparently, I had strong feelings about homework even then

"Now looking in the mirror from the soft pink bed sheets, I realize that I am the perfect pumpkin, just in a different way. Not looks, looks don’t matter. What really does matter, is love."

Please note that the next year in our poetry unit I only wrote extremely dark and gruesome poetry
I'll try to find that

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Alrighty here y'all go
A 5th grade poem of mine

The land, and every nation
Everything underground
Creating a solid foundation
For everything around

The blazing rage inside
The oldest form of heat
The burn that you cannot hide
The danger that is also neat

The cool, flowing, stream
The refreshing, rushing, substance
Liquid, ice, or steam,
Next to the land or among us

Light, clear, and free
Zipping from place to place
Always filled with glee
To be filling empty space

All together, these elements unite
Keeping the world at a balance
Working hard day and night
A council of true valiance


Following this.

I got a bunch of old writing but I’ll need to translate a good majority of it into English first if I post it here