forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 52 followers

Deleted user

(Or, you could just burn it. If you burn the vessel the spirit'll get fed up with trying to find a new one and will just go somewhere else. That's what I did.)

Deleted user

(Hm, put it in your school's lost in found or give it to someone.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(lol. I wouldn't doubt that Graye could. Anyways, try washing it with salt/holy water. Or try smudging it with dried dill in your backyard when your parents [and possible neighbors] aren't around. If that doesn't work, we'll try and figure something else out.)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Funny thing you should bring up Annabelle, the doll that is protecting me from the other one looks like she could be Annabelle's cousin. Also, when I looked up "creepy old haunted dolls" because why not this doll came up. And I know this one is possessed because of events, but she's really nice.)


(just yeet it into the seventh CirCle of hell)

(can you yeet me into Hell?!?)

yes i can fren
i mean i live there so


(just yeet it into the seventh CirCle of hell)

(can you yeet me into Hell?!?)

yes i can fren
i mean i live there so

(lol. Is it as hot as Australia?)

hotter than i am

@V01DtheFae group

(just yeet it into the seventh CirCle of hell)

(can you yeet me into Hell?!?)

yes i can fren
i mean i live there so

(lol. Is it as hot as Australia?)

hotter than i am

(wow hitting on yourself)


(just yeet it into the seventh CirCle of hell)

(can you yeet me into Hell?!?)

yes i can fren
i mean i live there so

(lol. Is it as hot as Australia?)

hotter than i am

(wow hitting on yourself)

no fam
degrading myself

@V01DtheFae group

(just yeet it into the seventh CirCle of hell)

(can you yeet me into Hell?!?)

yes i can fren
i mean i live there so

(lol. Is it as hot as Australia?)

hotter than i am

(wow hitting on yourself)

no fam
degrading myself

mood bro