forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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There's always the escape with claiming to be listening to religious songs but they're actually just all the songs by P!ATD with semi-religious titles

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

REALLY!!!!???? (Did I forget to mention he's been staring at the computer waiting for you to come back?)

(Crap. … Yes Marcus. I've been extremely lonely and sad. Why does it matter to you though? It's not like we got along…)

Deleted user

(I swear, the tension between you! I could cut it with a butter knife!)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

REALLY!!!!???? (Did I forget to mention he's been staring at the computer waiting for you to come back?)

(Crap. … Yes Marcus. I've been extremely lonely and sad. Why does it matter to you though? It's not like we got along…)

I got along with you just fiiiine. Raises eyebrows seductively. (Ewwwwwww….take him back!!!)

Deleted user

(This has been quite strange to stalk…)

(I just want to personally apologize.)

(It's fine, it's funny)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Marcus, just go make out with your new girlfriend Lucille. And no, I'm not taking that asshole back, no matter how much I miss the company. Flips Marcus off )

She's not my girlfriend, she was…uhh….yeah, I got nothing…

(Exactly you jerk! Don't you ever come back again! I don't need you to mess with me like that again…)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(Marcus, just go make out with your new girlfriend Lucille. And no, I'm not taking that asshole back, no matter how much I miss the company. Flips Marcus off )

She's not my girlfriend, she was…uhh….yeah, I got nothing…

(Exactly you jerk! Don't you ever come back again! I don't need you to mess with me like that again…)

In my defense, I thought she was dead! Like, dead dead! I was in shock! Pleassssse, sweetums, you know you love me!!!!