forum 10 Things About Me Game
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

people_alt 51 followers

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


  1. Tell 10 things about yourself.
  2. Ask 10 questions.
  3. Tag 10 people.
  4. They have to answer the questions.
  5. Wait for those 10 to answer.
  6. Quote the post your tagged on to answer.
  7. Wait 48 hrs (that sounds reasonable). If nobody has answered, do your post.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm the tallest person in my family.
  2. I'm the youngest in my family.
  3. I have a very minor case of autism.
  4. I have two sisters, and one brother.
  5. I believe in past lives.
  6. I believe in ghosts.
  7. I once believed that I was a werewolf.
  8. I'm a Christian.
  9. I am almost 20 years old!
  10. It's very difficult to anger me, but if I am angry, I suggest that you leave me alone.


  1. Have you seen a ghost before?
  2. What kind of stories do you like to read?
  3. What was the last book you've read?
  4. What are you reading now?
  5. What are you planning on reading next?
  6. What type of music do you like/listen to the most?
  7. If you could be anyone from any piece of fiction, who would you be?
  8. Why?
  9. What's your favorite colour?
  10. How did you find out about Notebook?

10 People

  1. @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose
  2. @rubylsmithh
  3. @FanfictionFanatic
  4. @Shuri-the-very-very-extremely-gay-boi
  5. @Icefire
  6. @Pickles-Is-A-Mess-Too
  7. @izzyandviolins
  8. @ninja_violinist
  9. @amber_demeter_is_burnt_out
  10. @crocssant-has-a-date