forum Here to There (CLOSED - Stalkers welcome and get free selfies in space)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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James looked out from his bunk in the men's cabin. He stared into space, feeling small. Wondering about the aliens, he decided to check back on the crew. He turned on his walkie. "How's everyone doing? Over."


"Alright, I'll meet you guys at the table. Over." James clicked off his walkie-talkie and walked down the empty corridors. It gave him the shivers. So far from home, so alone. He walked into the room, and pulled out a chair. "Aw cool! I love mac'n'cheese." James says.


James raised one eyebrow at Alley. "Fine, but I'm still going to check." He whispered back. "Rather safe than sorry." He finished his lunch quickly, and left the room. As long as we can keep everyone safe, then we don't have to make them worried without cause. The note only said they saw signs, maybe they were wrong. James thought. He walked to the control room and started a scan on the ship, to make sure every part of the ship was fully functional and in prime shape. The ship hadn't needed fuel until last week, but that was an easy fix.


The scan was going smoothly until an error popped up. "What? You were fine yesterday." James mumbled.
Error in the cargo dock. Ventilation system compromised.
"Cargo dock." James repeated nervously. He looked at the security feed video from the cargo dock. There was nothing out of the ordinary, except… "The box is gone." James says. Turning on his walkie, he turns onto a private channel and contacts Alley. "Did you move the… shipment?" He asks nervously.


"Alley, it's gone." James says, trying to remain level-headed. "The ventilation system has an error in the cargo room, so when I checked on the security feed, I noticed the box was gone. I think something got into the ship via the vents." James says, coming to a conclusion.


"No kidding," James replied. "Listen, gather everyone on the ship into the safe room. I'll be there as soon I put the ship on lock down. We need a day's worth of supply, in my estimate. I'll check the security cams for any alien figures."


James turned on every security camera and looked for a non-humanoid. Only Alley running down the hallway. Everyone else was in the bunk. Alley was running down… two hallways at once? One Alley stopped, and turned to look at the camera. It took a gun out and shot the camera. The sound echoed around the hall, and James heard it after he saw it. "Crap." He said. He watched the real Alley go into the bunker. He turned on his walkie again. "ALLEY, WATCH OUT THE THING IS COMING AND IT LOOKS LIKE YOU! I'LL GET SUPPLIES BUT HURRY, AND AVOID THE SOUTH CORRIDOR!" He yelled. James ran to his locker and got his handgun. He also grabbed a kitchen knife he'd used to cut a sandwich earlier and ran into the west corridor, and into the cargo room. He grabbed four oxygen tanks and a smaller sized crate of food and put water into it. Hoping it was enough, he began his run to the safe room.