@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin
What's the weirdest food you've seen in real life? Might give some good inspiration for coming up with fictional foods based on it :)
What's the weirdest food you've seen in real life? Might give some good inspiration for coming up with fictional foods based on it :)
Its not weird just strange but I've had a deep-fried oreo before. It was weird but good.
I feel like a lot of deep-fried things that aren't supposed to be deep-fried take the cake, in this case. Fried pickles didn't taste at all like what I was expecting…
Turkish delight is weird but kinda good
Oh! Weirdest food I've seen! Dude from Polygon made every recipe from Breath of the Wild, but he was pressed for time and used only the ingredients in the game, so it was 30 minutes of him finding out the hard way why salt was worth more than gold.
Freaking lychees, spiky on the ou4side, wet and soft on the inside with a giant seed like ????
There was a restaurant owner in my college town that would deep-fry anything you brought him. Deep-fried mac & cheese was probably one of my favorites. He said he'd even deep-fry batteries if I brought them in… and I've never stopped thinking what if…
There was a restaurant owner in my college town that would deep-fry anything you brought him. Deep-fried mac & cheese was probably one of my favorites. He said he'd even deep-fry batteries if I brought them in… and I've never stopped thinking what if…
I can't stop thinking about that either now… I wonder if anybody actually brought him batteries.
There was a restaurant owner in my college town that would deep-fry anything you brought him. Deep-fried mac & cheese was probably one of my favorites. He said he'd even deep-fry batteries if I brought them in… and I've never stopped thinking what if…
I can't stop thinking about that either now… I wonder if anybody actually brought him batteries.
lord help us all
Chicken, but instead of bread crumbs on it it's fruity pebbles. I don't know if I would ever try it even if I wasn't vegetarian.
This wasn't so much as weird but absolutely indulgent. There's a deli in my hometown that has a sandwich called the Fat Hornet. It's a steak-and-cheese with chicken fingers, french fries, and mozzarella sticks thrown on top. It's insane. I managed to eat one in a single sitting, but that's 'cuz I'm fat.
i once made crabmeat (the fake kind) dipped in beaten eggs and then coated it with breadcrumbs and spices and fried it with lemon and oil-
i was desperate to eat something so i just grabbed things from the fridge and mashed them together, it was actually pretty good
i was desperate to eat something so i just grabbed things from the fridge and mashed them together, it was actually pretty good
My relationship with cooking.
i was desperate to eat something so i just grabbed things from the fridge and mashed them together, it was actually pretty good
My relationship with cooking.
Most of the time, I don't even bother with mashing them together. What's in my fridge? Pickles, baby carrots, and some pineapple yogurt? Welp, I've got nothing better to do on a Friday night, indigestion will at least give me something to focus on!
I had something called a Cider Mill Sandwich, which consists of turkey, green apple, cheddar and honey mustard pumpkin sauce on cranberry walnut bread. Delicious!!!
Something else that's good is Doritos (nacho cheese flavor) and coleslaw that has a little bit of sugar in it!
I might like the sandwich. And the octopus is awesome.
I had crab ragoon pizza at one place, it was surprisingly really good! It had cream cheese and crab instead of sauce, and had wonton bits and a gingery (??) sauce on top!
I've also had mac and cheese potstickers with a garlic cheese sauce.
I've heard that green apple slushies with Jolly Rancher pieces are good too, but I've never had one.
I might like the sandwich. And the octopus is awesome.
Comes with a side of sweet potato fries!
This one was weird to me because I've never eaten one before, but when I was in Hawaii on vacation, we stopped at this "New York-style deli" (aka super upscale joint on Waikiki Beach) that served sandwiches and stuff. I got a Kalua pork reuben. It was a reuben on rye with the cheese, sauerkraut, and dressing, but it had Hawaiian pork instead of the standard corned beef. It was absolutely fucking magical.
I also never had shaved ice before that trip, so it was kind of funny when I got a GIANT BOWL of ice and realized that it really wasn't much in terms of substance. There were also four kinds of Dole Whip, and you've never had that, you have not LIVED! There's the standard pineapple flavor, along with orange, raspberry, and mango. They are all amazing… in small portions. You get sick of it after a few minutes, but those few minutes are filled with tropical rapture.
This is the most emotional I have ever seen you.
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