forum Who's up for some heavy fantasy romance? (fluff included)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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“Yeah,” Rory agreed. “I mostly read books with more fighting and magic and adventure, but I’m a sucker for a good love story. So what brings you here?”


Swish glanced away from the cover, then at Eugene. "Actually, I'm curious about that, too," he stated bluntly. Eugene laughed awkwardly and shrugged. "Just needed to get away from the house, you know? I was actually looking for a new place Swish and I could hang, but it kinda freaks some people out when he flies for whatever reason," he explained, looking in the sky at where Young-Jae had disappeared. "Maybe he was treated the same way, and that's why he was worried we were a threat?" he wondered aloud.


“Maybe,” Rory responded. “I definitely understand the need to get out of the house though. It can get so mundane sometimes and a change of scenery is always nice.”


"Hah… Mundane isn't exactly the term I'd use to describe my home," Eugene responded, laughing lightly. He looked at the ground for a moment, seemingly sizing up the grass, before deciding on the evident "perfect" spot to sit right beneath his feet.


"Eh, chaotic. We have at least twelve kids other than me at the moment, all younger except for one older girl. …Did I mention we live in an orphanage?" Eugene asked with a grin. Swish regarded him silently, then sat besides him. "Yeah well, it could be worse. The head is actually a really kind man. He's a witch, so he helps Eu—er, Corey, with stuff," the familiar added, rubbing his neck slightly at his slip-up


“That definitely sounds interesting,” Rory said. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have siblings. I’m an only child, and I live with my dad.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

After a short nap, he decided to go for another walk. Assuming the three weirdos would be gone.
Flying up in the air, he staying to the sides so nobody would recognize him. He hated when he would just go to the market for food then paparazzi bombard him with questions. There were many mountains, cliffs, and hills where the humans didn't build. And he had more than enough hiding spots. There was a waterfall falling off of the side of the cliff he was just on. Behind it was a huge cave. Over the years its been so worn down by the water that comes into it. Flying over to the cliff, he spots the three still talking. Shocked he bursts through the waterfall landing in the cave. Hoping they didn't see him, but with his luck… They probably did.