forum Who's up for some heavy fantasy romance? (fluff included)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Running as fast as he could… up the mountain, through the trees, over the rivers. Finally reaching the endge of a cliff, looking over the whole city. He could see the whole world from up there. (not litterally lol)
Spreading his wings, along with his arms, feeling the wind blow on his face, through his light blue hair, through the white glistening feathers in his wings, some of the clouds were his level. Turning around and falling backwards, falling, falling, falling, then shooting up in the air. This was the best feeling.


Meanwhile Rory was busy sitting under a tall tree, reading. The sunlight fell across her dappled from the leaves as she immersed herself in the romance novel. Yes, it was cheesier than most of her books, but Rory was a total sucker for a happy ending. She didn’t even notice the boy flying around because of her captivation in the book.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Gliding through the rather cold air. It was the beginning of winter, a few snowflakes falling down, landing on his hair with every movement he took, then quickly flying off of him. Landing on the edge of the cliff with a loud thud. His eyes closed, taking in a deep breath and sighing.
He yelled to himself. Not know anyone was around. He talks to himself, but almost never revealing his voice to people.


A loud yell interrupted Rory’s reading, so she looked up to tell the kid to knock it off before realizing the boy had wings and seemed to think he was alone. She stood up with a sigh, fearing more interruptions. Besides, here was a chance to work on her flirting skills. She walked up to him, as he was near enough to reach with a small bit of walking. She cleared her throat. “I didn’t realize my reading would be interrupted by a handsome boy or else I would have been less annoyed,” she said, approaching him and smirking.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Young-Jae startled, turning around, his to eyes looking at her, the other one on his forehead looking straight forward. Tucking in his wings, he glances over her from top to bottom. Examining her, then realizing what she just said. His face turning a bit red, but he keeps a straight face. (Struggling a bit) but not saying anything.


Rory pursed her lips at his silence. “Quiet, aren’t we?” she teased lightly, with a smile. “I often find that the quiet boys are the sweetest.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

wait…Is this what flirting is called?
He thought to himself. He's seen it on anime, manga and some magazines, and he's even heard it in school. (Quite a lot) but he's never encountered it before. (Btw this is before he gets all quiet and rude since in this roleplay he's younger, so he's just what and nice, and clueless)
"Are-are you flirting?"
He says in a soft voice, sounding like an angel. Which he kind if was. Before she could even answer he quickly holds his hand up, an orb of some sorts, that looks like it held the whole galaxy itself in it. Then a notebook and a pen replace its spot in his hand. As he starts to write down what she just said. With the word in the big word above: Flirting!


Rory’s eyes widened and she blinked. “Uh, yes, I was flirting with you,” she confirmed, a little confused. No one had ever had this reaction to her flirting before. She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, blushing a little.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Blank-faced he looks up from his notebook as it disappears from his hand.
"Are you okay? You look a little weird…. And- are you trying to pull your hair out?"
He says incredibly confused.
why is she acting to weird?


Rory blinked again, surprised. “I-I’m fine,” she replied. “And no I am not trying to pull my hair out!” She quickly moved her hands back to her sides. “Um, so…What’s your name?”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Eyeing her, his eyes narrowing down on her.
He couldn't quite tell if she was cute or not, but he decided to go with the ladder for now.
He says running his fingers through his tousled curly sky blue hair. Bits and peicing of white clouds in his hair, it really did look like the sky.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Tilting his head, hes never actually had peope come up and talk to him. Mostly because of the frikin eye in the middle of his forhead.
"nice? How do you know if its nice to meet me? You dont know me?"
He said still confuzzled. He had NO IDEA how to talk to people, let alone a cute girl.


Rory raised an eyebrow. “It’s something you say when you meet someone new, especially if they’re cute,” she told him with another of her smiles.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

A light share of crimson red appeared on his face. Looking around, he saw no one else around. Who could she be talking to?
"Then….whyd you say it to me?"


“Duh, because you’re cute,” Rory replied, tossing her hair back. “And because it’s the polite thing to do, I guess.” She shrugged.