forum Who's up for some heavy fantasy romance? (fluff included)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"oh okay then… Nice- to meet you to?"
He said like he wasn't sure how to say it. Which he was. Taking a step back nervously his foot slips off of the edge, falling down spreading his wings quickly, he falls…
Quickly shooting up in the sky, he looks around in a little bit of shock. He didn't expect to fall, but he was always prepared. Looking back at the girl,
"sorry…. About That."


"Yo!" A voice yelled excitedly in the distance. The owner of the voice was a young boy, just running up the crest of a hill when he'd called out. He darted up to the pair, then bendt over panting. "That…was so…cool!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "I didn't think I'd find anyone other than Swish with real, actual wings!"


Finally catching his breath, Eugene straightened. "Sorry—forgot myself there for a minute. Swish is my…friend. Familiar, actually." As he spoke, he reached to unclasp the pin on the collar of his dress shirt, displaying it on his open palm. "Just, don't freak out?" he asked, not even pausing for a reply before murmuring, "Evenire." The silver pin shimmered elegantly for a moment before the image distorted and grew larger. Withing seconds, the pin had been replaced with a snowy white hawk, perched on the boy's sleeve-covered arm. He quickly followed up the spell with another. "Mutare." With the word, the hawk hopped off his perch, donning a more humanoid form as he hit the ground in a crouch. The familiar stood to his full height, taking in the situation with a look of slight confusion. "Random strangers, Swish. Swish, random strangers!" the boy introduced brightly, crossing his arms with a mildly pride smile.


Rory watched all of this unfold with surprise, but quickly went back to looking mildly interested. “My name is Rory,” she introduced herself. “Are you a witch or something?”


"Yep!" he confirmed happily, glancing at the other winged person out of the corner of his eye. "You can call me Corey," he introduced himself as, offering a hand to shake. Swish looked at Eugene, unimpressed, before muttering, "Let me introduce myself, or I just end up not knowing what to say. Yeah, hi, I'm Swish, but you already knew that," he finished with a deadpan, giving a tight smile at the girl and ruffling his feathers slightly.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Young-Jae watched the twos conversation. Tucking his wings in even more. His third eye looking around frantically while his others are staring at Rory and the random guy that just appeared. He felt threatened… Very threatened, especially when he just summoned the other creature.
Summoning something of his own, he created a little portal that again,
looked like it held the whole galaxy. A wolf came out. It was purely white, except for the tips of its tail, paws, always, and snout, which faded into black. Along with a whole bunch if jumbled up Dublin's lined on her back running down her back, symbols so tiny, forming a line down her back, startijg from her forehead. She was huge, he head reach8jg up to his shoulders. Summoning a long spear with an orb comm8ng 9ut if his hand, he was ready to fight. Naide (the wolf) growled a little.
"who are you"
Came out a voice as though it was from heaven. It was soft, sounding like he would hurt a fly.


Rory shook Corey’s hand. “Nice to meet you both,” she replied with a small smile before realizing what Young-Jae was doing. “Young-Jae? Is everything okay?” she asked, concern showing on her features.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"He's dangerous"
He said, his third eye still wide open, his wins halfway spread, Naide growling, the fur on her neck stood up, making the symbols look like blotches.


Swish instantly leapt in front of Eugene, extending a wing behind him to shelter the young witch if Young-Jae made a wrong move. His face hardening into a glare, the familiar replied with a forced calm, "We've both introduced ourselves. This is Corey, and I'm Swish. He's a witch. I'm his familiar." He spoke as if speaking to a toddler, eyeing the wolf every time she made even the slightest of moves. Eugene laid a hand on Swish's shoulder, letting him know he was fine, and peered over the older's wing. "I didn't mean to threaten you. I was just excited when I saw your wings, and thought it might be nice to introduce you two…" he trailed off uncertainly. "We're not fighting, are we?"


“Why is he dangerous?” Rory asked, glancing at Corey. He seemed nice enough. She wondered why Young-Jae was so adamantly against him. She shot Corey an apologetic smile quickly. God she hoped they weren’t about to fight. “Please don’t fight.”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Gripping the spear, his third eye closes. Standing up straight now, he examined the familiar. Niade sat down, with excellent posture the wolfs eyes narrowed, but not growling.
"Naide senses"
Is all he says.


"I mean… I guess I could be pretty dangerous if I wanted to be," Eugene admitted, still hiding mostly behind Swish's wing. "But I didn't come here with ill intentions," he promised, green eyes swimming with sincerity. Swish remained unmoving, still concealing his master from full view.


“I believe you,” Rory admonished with another smile. “I was just hoping that there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding between anyone.”


Eugene flashed her a grateful smile, his eyes then flickering to Young-Jae to gague his reaction.


(did a quick rough sketch of Eugene and Swish while I was waiting. [x] Also sorry but I'm heading to sleep for the night—I'll respond as soon as I can in the morning.)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Young-Jae looks at Naide then back at the familiar. Feeling a little less threatened, he put his spear away.
"Just so you know….if you attack, I'll send you the abyss where you'll rot and die there for eternity."
He said calmly. His voice like a melody, and his steps like a feather, he away from the people, spreading his wings and falling back down the cliff. Just like he did earlier, rising up at the speed of a bullet, as Naide suddenly disappears.
Soaring through the sky, hed wished he hadn't run into anyone, but his luck was always very low.
"Naide, I'm going home"
He said almost telepathically but not quite.
A soft girls voice echoed through his ears.


"Good to know," Eugene said, his voice rising in pitch slightly. Swish remained standing in front of him until Young-Jae took off, only then letting his wing relax and fall to his side. "Good riddance," the familiar claimed, crossing his arms and huffing again. "Aw, Swish, don't be like that. I think we just freaked him out a little," Eugene admonished. "Was that your friend?" he asked Rory, turning to face her.


“I think so?” she replied. “I only just met him, but we got along fine. I don’t know why he acted so weird all of a sudden.” She frowned. “I hope you and I can be friends though.” Rory glanced back at where Young-Jae had disappeared, a bit sad by his sudden departure. She turned back to Corey with an apologetic smile.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Landing in the woods, his huge wings pressing against his back, he walks around until he comes across a giant tree house. It was the size of a normal sized house in the city. He had an incredibly fancy house out there in the city, but this was home. Being a tad famous and all came with its downsides too. He enjoyed working in the fashion business, although being a model was a little stressful, it was fine. Jumping up to the house he looks from the porch. He's spent all of his life on earth making this, and it all had finally paid off. The tree house was incredible for only one person building it. It even had electricity and running water. Walking in, he sat on the couch, Naide suddenly walking out of her room to beside him. Making him jump a little, he smiles at her.
"Oh hey! I see you finally got some clothes on"
He said with a chuckle. Crossing her arms a bit she looks away,
"Well… I do have so many clothes from you, I figured I could wear some every once in a while"
She says in her soft voice.
He liked her human form a lot more than her wolf form. She was fairly pale, her hair also being white and reaching down to her knees, fading into a black at the bottom. On her back, she had the same markings from when she was a wolf. Her eyes change colors, so you could never tell what color they actually were. Wearing a pair of jeans with four buttons, her striped multicolored shirt, a few bracelets on, with the blue ring she always wears. She sits down on the couch beside him she scoffs.
"I wanna know why you were interacting with those people. If you said they were dangerous…why were you near them?"
She said in a slightly harsher tone, her voice was still soft.


"Definitely!" Eugene responded happily, and Swish gave an approving nod. Noting her abandoned book, he asked, "Ooh, what were you reading?"


The witch nodded understandingly, whereas Swish looked on with more interest. "I'm more into conspiracy styled stuff, myself, but romance is a close second. As long as it, ya know, fits the plot of the story," Eugene explained with a smile.