forum Whisked to Here (Open!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Darkblossom group

Crimson red shot in Daniel’s eyes, his hand burnt a white flame, disintegrating all the mist around him. He leaped up to Cammie, kicking Zafrin once while he’s at it. Burning the tree Cammie was stuck on, Daniel grabbed her arm and took her away from Zafrin’s reach. He landed and let go of Cammie’s arm. He hovered his burning hand over the chains the locked up Thomas, melting them in an instant. He looked back up to Zafrin and amidst the white flames appeared his main weapon, a chain sword named Infernias.

The mist disappeared quickly as Zafrin wasn’t focusing on it. Zafrin was kicked right in between his wings, and would have fallen over if he was a creature with legs. As it was, he floated above the ground, so recovered much faster, creating a whip out of ice, mist, and pure magic. The chains melted easily under the intense flame, and Thomas was free.

@Darkblossom group

(Well, you can always ask him)

Daniel pointed his chain sword at Zafrin directly at his head. He clicked something and the blade stretched to where it can pierce through Zafrin’s head.

Zafrin avoided the blade, bringing up a suddenly ice-encased arm to whack it away.


Thomas stumbled back as the chains were cut from his wrists. It felt good to have them off. Thomas rubbed his wrists. He just watched as Daniel and Zafrin fought. Why me? he thought. I'm so out of place…

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin grinned and ripped off his heavy robe for ease of movement. Underneath was revealed a toned, pure white chest, and no legs whatsoever. His torso ended in a long tail that seemed to be made of a thick white mist and floated inches above the ground. He spread is wings tauntingly.

@CasiCasino group

Daniel smiled happily as he saw that Zafrin was up to the challenge. He slashed his blade upward once, releasing the segments of the blade and leaving only the blade’s stem. The five segments of the blade surround Daniel like a circle.


Thomas followed Cammie. He suddenly stopped as a meow echoed. He spun around, searching for where the sound came from. In the distance he saw a snowy white cat. "Oh Quincy!" Thomas took off running towards his albino cat. He scooped her up quickly and slipped her into his hoodie with her head peeking out. He gently pet her head. "I'm so sorry, I left you." Thomas ran back to Cammie, holding Quincy tight in his hoodie, making sure she couldn't slip out.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin created more of the same freezing mist, and it swirled around him gently, acting like a shield. If Daniel touches this mist, it will numb his flesh, though it doesn’t have the same effect on Fae as Fae are immune to the effects of temperature, hot of cold. Zafrin lunches forward, his whip striking Daniel’s arm.

@CasiCasino group

Daniel got a cut from the whip, during the moment Zafrin was closest to Daniel, the blade segments pierced his body and wings. His flames turned from white to purple thanks to the low temperature mist, though that didn’t stop him from slicing Zafrin’s throat with the blade’s stem.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin tried his best to tumble away, only getting cut on one wing and the side of his chest. Zafrin quickly moved away before the blade could pierce his throat. Instead of blood, translucent white magic seemed to float away from his body, though it was equally painful, if not more so. Luckily, Zafrin didn’t need his wings to float, but it still hurt, and it restricted his floating height.
(You cant kill him that easily!)


"Cat." Cammie stared at the cat.
"You brought. A cat. How??"

"I didn't mean to. Seriously, I didn't even mean to be here. I shouldn't be here, but somehow, both of us got here." Thomas looked at Quincy as she gave a lovingly meow.

@Darkblossom group

(Well damn……I have to up my game I guess)

(Seriously though, I’m not letting you kill Zafrin. He will probably retreat eventually, but I refuse to let one of my children be killed. Also, poor Avar would be crushed)

@CasiCasino group

(Well damn……I have to up my game I guess)

(Seriously though, I’m not letting you kill Zafrin. He will probably retreat eventually, but I refuse to let one of my children be killed. Also, poor Avar would be crushed)

(Well, we had the same idea in mind. Daniel would retreat if his flames turned green)