forum Whisked to Here (Open!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@Darkblossom group

Zafrin led them in silence. He had a strong grip on the ice chains, which were so cold they stuck to Cammie and Thomas’s skin. But unlike normal ice, these chains were solid and hard to break, and wouldn’t melt with the heat of their bodies. The group was nearing the bottom of the hill now.


Thomas was dragged along. At first he struggled to keep his balance at the constant pulling of the chains, but he got into a rhythm and built a pace, able to keep up with Zafrin. He tried to pull against the chains again, but instead a pain inflicted his wrists. He noticed his skin started to stick to the chains. His stomach twisted inside him. If I want out of the cuffs…I'll have to rip my skin off… Thomas started to feel sick. Homesick. How he wished he could be home, in his warm bed.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Cammie's powers are Soooooo gonna show up)
Cammie silently walked.
Idiot, she thought, you had nearly made a life here, and then you screwed it up.
She hated this. She just wished she could get away…

The next thing she knew, she was at the top of a tree.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin looked back when Cammie shouted, and gasped.
“Grounders don’t know magic. Who taught you? And who are you?” Zafrin noticed Daniel and immediately began generating Fae mist, a freezing blue mist that encircled Daniel, rendering his fiery blade useless.
(Sorry if Zafrin seems a little OP, he is in his element right now as a trained guard and magic user)

@CasiCasino group

Daniel flinched at the mist. He sighed. “Daniel Cross, one of the eleventh generation of Knights of the Soul Labyrinth” he answered Zafrin.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin made an icy spike rise from the ground, and melded Thomas’s chain to it. He flew up to Cammie, more chains gathering in his hands. For now, he could ignore Daniel.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin sighed.
“Stop teleporting. If you try to escape, your punishment will only be worse. I don’t want to hurt you, it was an honest mistake, but I still need to get you to the Guard Dome.”

@CasiCasino group

Crimson red shot in Daniel’s eyes, his hand burnt a white flame, disintegrating all the mist around him. He leaped up to Cammie, kicking Zafrin once while he’s at it. Burning the tree Cammie was stuck on, Daniel grabbed her arm and took her away from Zafrin’s reach. He landed and let go of Cammie’s arm. He hovered his burning hand over the chains the locked up Thomas, melting them in an instant. He looked back up to Zafrin and amidst the white flames appeared his main weapon, a chain sword named Infernias.

@Darkblossom group

“That sounds fairly easy to control.” Zafrin floated up to Cammie, not really sure what to do now. Most Fae didn’t know how to teleport as it was a very hard spell, and he had no idea how to deal with this.

@CasiCasino group

(Well, you can always ask him)

Daniel pointed his chain sword at Zafrin directly at his head. He clicked something and the blade stretched to where it can pierce through Zafrin’s head.