forum Whisked to Here (Open!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@CasiCasino group

(You have underestimated Daniel! Just kidding, he’s not op.)

Daniel shrugged and started thawing the ice covering Cammie. The scales on his arm began changing from black to red as the temperature released gone higher and kept increasing.

@Darkblossom group

Avar rushed through the door of the dome, not bothering to knock.
“Zafrin! There is a human on Worshiper’s Hill!” Zafrin, a male Fae with slightly grayer wings than Avar and short sky blue hair, glided out into the main hallway, shock and anger on his face.
“Ceking humans!” Zafrin spread his wings, and they both flew as fast as possible to the top of the hill, getting there before Daniel could barely make a dent in the icy dome.
(Zafrin is the Fae Cammie talked with to convince them that humans aren’t a threat)

@CasiCasino group

Daniel looked up and saw Zafrin. He immediately bursted into flames away from both Zafrin’s and Avar’s sight. He only left some of his scales on the ice dome which would slowly thaw the dome.


(Oof I am so sorry that I missed soooo much. DX Thomas was just following behind….idk. Also, I wont be on very often for a few weeks, so I apologize in advance.)
Thomas watched in shock as Cammie was trapped in the ice box, and Daniel kept bursting into flames. He was terrified, but also intrigued. He stood frozen in his place, in fear and amazement. One phrase kept popping into Thomas' head… Fuck…I'm so the first one dead… He didn't know what to do and just watched in horror.

@Darkblossom group

(I’m sick so I probably won’t be posting very frequently today so yeah)
Zafrin summoned his magic, using it to easily strip away Cammie’s prison of ice. He created icy shackles that latched onto her hands and feet, numbing the human’s limbs.

@Darkblossom group

“Regardless, you have defiled the Goddess’s stone. You will be punished, human.” Zafrin spat these words out, barely controlled anger evident in his expression.


Thomas stared, with fear penetrating his eyes. What the fuck is this place? He looked at the strange creature, wondering who or what it was.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin summoned his magic again and melded the ends of the icy chains connected to Cammie’s ankles and wrists, holding it in his hand and gently pulling her toward him. The ice numbs her legs and arms, making walking much harder.


Should I stop this? Thomas asked himself. Meh, I'm dead anyway. Thomas slowly peeked out from his hiding spot. "Uh, hi. Hey. Um. Could maybe we not try and kill each other? No one meant any harm. Right?" Thomas looked at Cammie. Thomas bit his lip Ohh, what am I doing??


"Oh," Thomas was surprised, "You seemed like you were gonna kill her for coming up to this hill..Well how about, we let her off with a warning?" Thomas suggested, still worried about the girl.

@Darkblossom group

Zafrin glared at Thomas.
“She will have a trial. You, You should also not be here.” Zafrin nodded to Avar, and she summoned her magic, icy chains latching onto Thomas’s hands and feet in a flash. Avar handed the ends to Zafrin, who easily held both chains in either hand.
“Avar, please return to your dome. I will deal with these two alone.” Avar nodded and floated off quickly.


Thomas tried to take a step back, but was held in place. He started to strain against the chains and tried to slip the cuffs off. But nothing worked. "Hey, um, sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone." Thomas tried to get out of this mess. Barely an hour in a strange place and I'm already chained like a prisoner… He heard the girl whisper to him and call him an idiot, but he ignored her, trying to just keep calm in such a stressful situation.