forum Uninvited Guests (OPEN at the moment, Stalkers welcome)
Started by @Yamatsu

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Brykin shrugged. "I never said I was polite." Her aura pulsed and her magic writhed beneath her skin before she squashed it. "Besides, you know what will happen if you get seen."

@CasiCasino group

Nathan paused as he is only a traveller passing by to take pictures and information about other places. “Consequences if we are seen? That, I don’t know. Would you be kind enough to clarify on that?” He asked politely.

@CasiCasino group

Nathan breathed in so loud, all of them could hear it. “What I need…is clarification on what are the consequences.” He said in a stressed voice.


Brykin glanced at him, impatient. "You get experimented on so that your powers can be duplicated and given to soldiers, then you are killed. Slowly and painfully."

@CasiCasino group

(Oh god, this might seem weird to you @TheElemental, but both Nathan and ‘the other guy’ are the same species lol)

Nathan answered “Well that settles it. Also, I’m a former phantom prince, though details on why I am no longer one, I’d rather keep to myself.”


(Lol. Is it his crazy brother, @AltrinceKun?)

Brykin looked disinterestedly at them. "Fascinating. Did you know that I'm on the Dimensional Court? Okay, no, but I'm more powerful than them."

@CasiCasino group

(No, no, no. This Nathan guy is stable XD)

Nathan’s eyes widen. “Both of you should be much more powerful than I am” he suggested.

@CasiCasino group

(Great news, Nathan can see other people’s aura)

Nathan looked at the both of them as his green eye turned to yellow, only to see that both of their power auras are seriously surprising. His eye turned back to green. “Uh…can you two…you know, uh, not fight?” He asked fearfully.


(Pouts Fine, but she can not be more powerful than my character.)
(Also, in Greek Mythology, Chaos is the oldest being in the universe, and she is the reincarnation of Chaos. So, younger than your character by far.)

Brykin glanced at him. "Why? You would not want to witness us fight?" She smirked, shark-like. "But whatever."