forum Uninvited Guests (OPEN at the moment, Stalkers welcome)
Started by @Yamatsu

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@CasiCasino group

Whilst walking towards the mountain, Nathan got out his camera to take some pictures as this was the first time he visited a place other than where he lived. He got some shots of the scenery as well as some of the entities around. He smiled as he took the photos.

@CasiCasino group

Nathan thought he got enough photos of the exterior of the place for now, so instinctively he wanted to explore the interior. His blue eye flashed a portal for him to walk through. As he walked through it, the portal sent him to the cave’s blocked entrance where he’d walked out. He then saw Hinata eating her lunch box…you should be able to imagine his facial expression.


The gigantic dragon tumbled to his son. “There is no time, I can already sense two people outside.”

“Can you see anything else, Dad?” Yama asked.

He paused. “One of them appears to have teleported up the mountain, and there is a winged woman… eating chips?”

“What the hell?”

@CasiCasino group

Nathan took a long pause before explaining. “Uh…I don’t think you should be eating your lunch up here. It’s kinda…dangerous…?”


“Okay, her wings just disappeared,” the dragon, Gawain, relayed.

“Alright, keep your weapons out, but let me do the talking,” Guinevere instructed. Both Yama and Gawain nodded, and they made their way back to the mouth of the cave.

@CasiCasino group

“Well uh, if you don’t mind, I’ll be taking photos around the mountains” he told Hinata. His green eye flashed and a green neon-like grappling hook appeared on one of his hand. “Woohoo!!!” He yelled as he pulled himself to the grappled side of the mountain to take pictures of the bird eye view scenery.


(You guys want me to link Gawain’s and Guinevere’s character pages for you? I kinda introduced them without warning.)


(I’ll do it when I’m not on mobile, I’ll wait for more people to make it up the mountain before my characters come bursting forth.)

@CasiCasino group

Nathan came back to the cave’s entry with a…sandwich in his mouth. You don’t need to question how he got that sandwich. He landed, took the sandwich out of his mouth and mumbled “Whoo! This place sure has good views!”

@CasiCasino group

Nathan smiled back. He proceeded to sit down by the ledge and got out his pen and his book. He opened the book and started sketching the scenery.


Brykin awoke with a start. She must have fallen asleep. She leaped lightly down from the tree and landed on the balls of her feet. She glanced around, looking for people.

@CasiCasino group

Nathan finished sketching the scenery and kept his book and pen in his messenger bag. He stretched a bit before turning to Hinata and asked “Oh yeah, I haven’t introduced myself yet have I?”

@CasiCasino group

“Hey now, calling strangers ‘idiots’ isn’t the that polite now is it?” Nathan stood up and said that with a pretty sarcastic look.