forum Uninvited Guests (OPEN at the moment, Stalkers welcome)
Started by @Yamatsu

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We're just starting out, so anyone who wants to pop in is cool. Just give a brief rundown on your character like this:

Description of physical characteristics
Short n' sweet background
Weapons or items being carried at the moment


–Name: Yamatsukami (Yama or Yamatsu)
–Age: 54 (17 in dragon years)
–Race: Half-Dragon
–Physical Description: A dragon up until you get to his legs, bipedal with forward-bending knees. Brown scales with amber and red undertones, large horns, claws, talons, a prehensile tail, and a set of massive wings. Emerald green eyes.
–Background: Lived in Death Mountain with his parents for years until starting a smithy a few dozen miles to the southwest. Was called to war with his parents, but we'll say this is whole chat is noncanon and you don't have to worry about it yet.
–Weapons at the moment: Nothing right now, but he usually carries a Cannon Hammer that he built himself (I'll link the page if and when this comes up)

As Yamatsu awoke in his room, he decided it would be best to get in some early training before his mother's sparring practice. He knew that Sharla and Aqua were going to be put through the wringer with her, but he didn't want to embarrass himself, either. He placed his feet on the cold stone floor and trudged out to the mouth of the cave. The winds weren't whipping as badly as they were the day before, and he even got a nice view of the sunrise. Setting up a boxing bag, he practiced some of the moves that Guinevere, his mother, taught him to use when fighting those smaller than himself. During his workout, he heard something from outside the cave and down the mountain path.

Death Mountain certainly wasn't a place people would journey to for a rock climbing tour or a jaunty hike, which meant that the people on their way up were either people seeking the treasure that he and his parents have built up over the years, or they wanted something else. Unfortunately, it was usually the "something else" that gave them the most trouble. The hikers making their way up looked pretty suspicious given Yama's vantage point, but they didn't seem to notice him. He perked his ears to see if he could hear any conversation being carried along the wind.


Can I join?

Of course! At this point, you don't have to ask. Just set up a character, put in a blurb of them walking up with other unnamed characters (to leave space open for a few others), and you're all set!


Can I join?

Of course! At this point, you don't have to ask. Just set up a character, put in a blurb of them walking up with other unnamed characters (to leave space open for a few others), and you're all set!

Cool, thanks!


Name: Beau Liam Torres
Age: Real age unknown, looks and acts like someone in their mid teens
Race: Angel
Description of physical characteristics: Invalid Character There’s a pic in the gallery but I’ll do a brief thing here too. Floofy brown hair, brown and white wings, freckles, blue eyes, wears a blue bandanna around his neck and ordinary human clothes
Short n' sweet background: Used to live in heaven but got kicked out because he’s Pansexual.
Weapons or items being carried at the moment: He has a dagger in his jeans pocket and a bow hidden where he lives.
Other: Basically the sassy gay (/pan cough) friend who doesn’t really care what you think of him at this point. Likes people and likes to talk


Name: Brykin Lance (Invalid Character)
Age: Ageless, looks like she is 17
Gender: Female
Race: Demigod turned goddess turned primordial
Description of physical characteristics: Slender and willowy with a bit of muscle, about 5'7" and 100 lb. Dark red hair with streaks of gold, crimson and black, and amber eyes with flecks of gold and red. She radiates a powerful aura, and is very beautiful and knows it
Short n' sweet background: She lives in the land of mortals because she feels like the gods are idiots.
Weapons or items being carried at the moment: A dagger and matches

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name - Hinata Hayashi
Age - Older than you (oldest being in the multiverse) (She looks 16)
Race - Human
Description: Hinata Hayashi
Short n' sweet background: She has to protect balance in the multiverse, but she is on break and is just enjoying herself.
Weapons or items being carried at the moment:

Hinata was slowly making her way up the mountain. She could have gotten to the top faster if she had flown, but she wanted to do this without her magic.


(I'm assuming that all of y'all are traveling together, or at least within a close proximity of each other?)


(Hecc I don’t really know how to hop in so we’ll see how this goes)
Beau was sitting atop a mountain watching the clouds when he spotted a flash of color going towards a mountain adjacent to his. Having nothing better to do with his time, he decided to fly over and investigate.


Once he got to the mountain, Beau stood round a corner on a rock ledge, listening carefully and peering around the edge for the thing he’d seen coming towards the nearby opening in the rock.

@CasiCasino group

(I might as well)

Name : Nathan Nevaeh
Race : Half phantom, half demon
Age : Actual age is unknown but looks like he’s in his early 20s
Gender : Male
Description of physical characteristics : He’s a 6’1” man with a slender body. His skin is almost as white as paper and cold to the touch. He has straight blonde hair with one green eye and one blue eye. He wears a navy mage robe with a golden skull on both shoulder straps. He wears white glasses and has a white scarf.
Short af background : He’s the former phantom prince but decided to leave due to complications within the kingdom.
Weapons or Items : A weird looking book, a pen, a brush, a camera, a dictionary and all of that is in his messenger bag.


Beau spotted the human hikers and watched them for a moment, intrigued. What could they possibly want to be up here for? He wondered, shaking his head slightly and shifting so that the rocks hid him a bit more.

@CasiCasino group

(I might as well just go with it)

Nathan just walked by and saw a figure cheering as they’re ascending. He blinked in confusion as well as being concerned.


Yama, seeing all of these people flying towards him, immediately decided that he should either run or fight.

It would be better if I had my weapons, he thought. And some backup, for that matter.

The Half-Dragon stomped his foot on the ground, pushing a wall of stone upwards to seal off the cave entrance. He caught the glimpse of wings before they were shut out, and he tore off towards his parents’ bedroom.


“MOM! DAD!” Yama shouted. “WAKE UP! WE’VE GOT COMPANY!”

The loud rumbling sound emanating from his parents’ bedroom was abruptly cut off with a loud snort. A giant of a woman appeared, still pajama-clad, but holding a gigantic greatsword with one hand.

“Who’s here?” she asked with the authority of a general.

“Lots of people. Not humans, not all of them. At least one had wings, maybe two.”

Yama’s mother, Guinevere, turned back into the bedroom and growled something in Draconic, which he understood as “Get up, this might be another siege!” There was another rumble, but this was the sound of a great mass shifting and standing to its talonned feet.

“Should I wake the others?” Yama asked.