forum The World of Elementals 2!
Started by @Bandito

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Olivia's eye's widened she put a hand over her mouth and fell into the nearest seat. What was this voice it was in no way like normal animals, It talked of destruction, She shuddered as the scratchy voice filled her ears.

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“What is it, the size it definitely isn’t a normal creature”


Olivia quickly retreated behind the counter and changed out of uniform and into her every day clothes, If she had to run she would be doing it in her boots and not the heels. She went back out into the crowd, weaving her way to a window, She couldn't make out exactly what the thing was, all she could see were, Scales. She backed away, the weird voice the destructive tone, "Dragon." She said quietly to herself.


The dragon shut its mouth and clambered to its feet. It was twice the height of the bar, and as far as Huako could tell when she stuck her head out a window, three times as long. It was blue-gray, mottled, muddy from the rain, and enormous. Its scales were sickly gray on its feet and nose. Two long horns between its ears were followed by more little ones.
It lashed its tail, starting to pant again. Fade slowly stood and backed away, holding his breath. The dragon was disturbingly quiet, except for when it moved. Its eyes flashed when it saw the faces crowding the windows of the bar and it took a few steps to get to them. It lowered its head to speak to an animus(Olivia). Come out.


Come out, the dragon repeated, one eye twitching. Come out now. Come out. It bared its teeth.
"What is it saying," Fade said quietly. The air felt freezing to him.


Olivia turned to answer his question, her hands trembled her feet planted firmly on the ground, "It says, come out, And I'm saying no! I'm not in the mood to be eaten thank you very much!" her entire being trembled, fear tears dripped slowly down her face, "I'm Not Going!"

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“We should try and fight it it can outrun us but maybe a large number of people could confuse it”

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“The only person with any chance at all of escaping is me so fighting we all will at least have a chance of survival “

@EmptyNebula group

"What do you mean only person with a chance of survival?" Echo asked, confused as to what this stranger could possibly possess that can keep him alive and not the others.

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“Watch” his body contorted and shrunk and it seemed to start to grow feathers about 10 seconds later he transformed into a crow

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Another 10 seconds later he was a human again “I’m gonna help you”


"Dragons have wing's Einstein, And I don't think this dragon want's a meal." Olivia listened to the beasts growls, " Not right now any the way, It doesn't sound hungry."


Olivia shoock her head, "It's only addressing me because I can hear it, It wants more then just me, I think- It wants the Elementals…. What?" Olivia shook her head in confusion, "Why, there can't be more then like two or three of us here right?" She observed the crowd and felt the blood drain form her face as she counted up the number of Elementals.


"Because it's crazy? Maybe we taste better to dragons? I don't fucking know!" He said, lowkey starting to freak out. Actually, a bit more than lowkey.