forum The World of Elementals 2!
Started by @Bandito

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Name - Huako
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Straight
Power/element - Fire Burning
Wings(Y/N) - Yes
Wing appearance(Only for those who said yes above) - Wide span, glossy black, like a raven or crow
Hair color - Jet black, short jagged bangs and covers her eyes
Skin color - Pale white
Ear shape(Normal or pointed) - A little pointed, can't really tell because her hair covers them
Appearance(Body) - Short and very underweight, tired narrow eyes, sad mouth, sharp jaw, always looks gloomy, pensive, unhappy, always seems to have a little storm cloud floating above her head, otherwise would be considered attractive
Attire - high v neck black shirt, skinny black jeans, ragged hooded black cloak, these
Eye color - Blood red
Other(appearance) - Doesn't like eye contact or physical touch
Personality pros - Loyal to the core, prefers to be very very close to one or two people and no one else, tends to take out bad emotions on herself instead of others, smart and quick thinking, tough and tooth and nail
Personality cons - Untrusting, has a faint aura of bitter anger, prone to nightmares and bad memories, doesn't deal well with anger or jealousy, practically mute most of the time, stubborn, doesn't get along with a lot of people
Backstory - Huako doesn't talk much about herself, but she was born into a nice family, she grew up shy and an outcast at school and got severe depression but she was still happy and loving with her family. One day when she was twelve she had a bad day and started to burn herself across her upper arms. It went on long enough for her to have a lot of scars when her parents found her surrounded by flames. They called 911, locking her up in their small metal shed when they figured out what she was. When the ambulance came they tried to drag her out and send her away, but she struggled violently until she lost control and burned everyone until they died. When she regained consciousness she was lying on a circle of black charred dirt that used to be her yard, surrounded by burning corpses. Terrified and somehow unharmed, she ran away and lay low until the police took her off their Most Wanted list and her face disappeared from the news. She stole for food and money, participating in enough street fights to become skilled with knives and her power. She taught herself how to numb herself and how to survive alone.
Other(personality) - Actually hates/is scared of being alone, has claustrophobia

Name - 'Fade' Mika
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Straight
Power/element - Soul Sight
Wings(Y/N) - Yes
Wing appearance(Only for those who said yes above) - Long and thin, soft, pale gray
Hair color - Gray, fades at ends, wispy
Skin color - GHOSTly white, practically see-through
Ear shape(Normal or pointed) - Pointed
Appearance(Body) - Average height, pale and wispy, sad/uncertain eyebrows, big eyes, smiling mouth, very fit but not bulky, long legs and fingers
Attire - Shredded and beat up once-nice scarlet jacket, no shirt, faded gray pants
Eye color - Left is yellow, right is clouded gray
Other(appearance) - He always looks and feels freezing
Personality pros - Kind, peace maker, serious, makes smart decisions, likes rain and campfires, likes being around people, surprisingly protective and caring when he isn't awkward
Personality cons - Shy, tense, suspicious, awkward around people, hates pressure, terrified of the dark, if he ever loses control it will be disturbing
Backstory - Fade grew up with a younger brother, he used to spend a lot of time with him but by the time Fade was thirteen they had grown far apart. Fade left to live in an unused storage room at the local mall, trying to hide from the ghosts that haunted him. He was constantly trailed by at least four ghosts, howling at him to avenge their bloody deaths. He couldn't sleep and always looked and was scared. He fled the mall and went to live in the woods, sleeping during the day and roaming at night. Ghosts seemed to be scared of moonlight, he spent most of his time with strangers in the parks or forests, talking quietly under the moon, until he finally gathered the courage to go with one girl back to society. He hates it and is surrounded by ghosts again.
Other(personality) -


Name - Olivia Newman, Livia, livi, liv
Gender - female
Sexuality - straight
Power/element - anima Nature
Wings(Y/N) - N
Hair color - Coppery brown
Skin color - light brown like the under belly of a deer.
Ear shape(Normal or pointed) - pointed
Appearance(Body) - Graceful and slender, like a deer, but on a human. 5'0''
Attire - green tank top, brown jeans with many added pockets, black combat boots. In cold weather this is replaced with a green hoodie (Normally worn around her waist) and her combat boots are switched out with a pair of fur lined boots
Eye color - light orange
Other(appearance) - a sprinkle of freckles covers her nose and cheeks, her hair is worn in shoulder length natural curls
Personality pros - Always has a story, stands her ground, stubborn. (Sorry the words to describe her personality are escaping me )
Personality cons - very hard to work with, if she doesn't want to she wont.
Backstory - Livia was born onto the streets, quite literally, her mother gave birth on a bright spring day hidden in an ally way, Her mother adored this little fawn like girl, they traveled from town to town, her mother took any work she could doing anything from patching up a torn skirt to keeping a strangers bed warm. When Olivia was 4 they stopped an inn, in the middle of the night a faulty fireplace cause the entire building to burn down, Olivia's room was the first to collapse with bother herself and her mother inside. Livi survived, her mother was crushed by a falling beam. she was placed in an orphanage, she lived there for 4 years before running off on her own. On the streets she learned her most important life lessons, and skills that kept her alive. Lesson one, 'If you don't wanna don't' This lesson was taught to her by the old man who lived in the abandoned dog house, every day he would come by to check on the small kid he would sit down with her hand her a biscuit and say, "Listen 'ear you don't do nothin' if you don't wanna, you don't let no body do anythin' to you that you don' wanna understan" the old man would die a few weeks later stabbed through the chest. Lesson two, 'don't judge a berry by it's color.' One fine autumn eve' Livi witnessed a starving child pluck and eat berries of the most glorious color only to fall dead a few moments later, never judge a berry by it's color.

Deleted user

Name - Blaze Brady
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Gay
Power/element - Dark shadow
Wings(Y/N) - Yes
Wing appearance(Only for those who said yes above) - They are made of shadows so…
Appearance(Body) - The Bertani are pretty human-like in appearance, they simply have coloration on their shoulders, elbows, knees, feet, ears, etc. So Blaze has this trait too. He also has a demonlike tail, but that's not important. He has pure black eyes with crimson pupils that are a bit like a cat's. He has tattoos on his hands that look like Frankenstein monster's stitches but with fake bruises and a lot of gore.
Attire - Well, he wears a lot of non-constricting clothes, he needs to be able to move around freely for what he does. His culture wears a lot of more earthy colors with runes in their language stitched onto the clothes. He has a belt with multiple weapons, pouches of random shit, a knife sheath, and a few flasks of liquor (A lot of liquor).
Personality pros - He's independent
Personality cons - An ass
Backstory - Nope!
Other(personality) -

Deleted user

Name Jack santford
Gender male
Sexuality pansexual
Power/element anima shifting
Wings no
Hair color green
Skin colors. A light tan
Ear shape normal
Appearance (body) thin, short some scars on his arms and legs
Attire green hoodie, blue jeans, black sneakers but heavy snow boots in winter and winter gloves
Eye color green
Other appearance
Personality pros optimistic and an introvert,
Personality cons:to trusting, and not good at talking with people
Backstory he lived a normal life until he was five when his powers started appearing, his parents thought of it as a curse they didn’t him as a son more like a monster, was 10 they abandoned him in a forest and he had no contact with people for 6 years when he decided to go back to society


Name - Elliot Jacks. He is known as Eli Altus though (e-lie)
Gender - male
Sexuality - biromantic 
Power/element - energy, sound
Wings(Y/N) - yes. He has retractable dragon type.
Wing appearance(Only for those who said yes above) - the black one
Hair color - black with dark purple and blue
Skin color - he has lightly tan skin
Ear shape(Normal or pointed) - normal
Appearance(Body) -
Attire - 
Eye color - dark blue eyes with silvery specks
Other(appearance) - he has a few tattoos 
Personality pros - develop 
Personality cons - develpp
Backstory - TBD 
Other(personality) -

Name - Makatza Lennox (Kat,
Gender - female
Sexuality - bisexual
Power/element - earth crystal and metal
Wings(Y/N) - yesish
Wing appearance(Only for those who said yes above) -they are more like auras. See through wings that are shades of green and blue
Hair color - dark blue with hints of purple and green
Skin color - light green with blue markings
Ear shape(Normal or pointed) - pointed
Appearance(Body) - athletic skinny
Attire -
Eye color - shades of green with a hint of purple
Other(appearance) - 
Personality pros - 
Personality cons - 
Backstory - 
Other(personality) -


(I don't think anyone does now, I'll go ahead and start)

It was raining again. Huako glared up at the gray sky, ignoring the water streaking down her neck. She liked the dark but hated the wet. After a minute she looked around for shelter. The closest one was a bar called The Kitten, radiating noise even from where she stood. Huako scowled gloomily but stepped inside anyway.
Fade speedwalked down the street, trying to look normal but failing miserably. At least there weren't a lot of people out to stare at him. He noticed a building with a sign that said 'The Kitten', debating whether to see what it was or not.

@EmptyNebula group

Cosmo had just stepped off the bus only to see it raining outside and steadily getting harder. He almost ran to the nearest sturdy structure, not even knowing what the place was. He lowered his wings from the top of his head and opened the door, seeing that it was a bar. He sat on a stool and ordered a drink for himself before relaxing and looking around.


Nikola was running through the rain, hoodie pulled low over his eyes. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-" he muttered to himself, slipping through the door of The Kitten. Still dripping wet, but now he at least had a chance to dry off. He walked in, shaking some water off his wings and sitting a a booth to pass the time.


Magnus sat down in the bar called The Kitten. He sat at the back and ordered some beer. He watched the door for any new customers before ordering hot and warm chicken and spicily seasoned wedges. While doing that he brought out a book he had been reading called 'Dark chaos, forbidden spells and techniques .'

@EmptyNebula group

(Hey, I made another character that I attached to my original character's sheet)

Echo heard the door open and close a few times at the bar, indicating the heavy rain outside. The bar was one of the few shelters around these parts that would let people hang out inside while they waited. He took out his phone to check the weather and see how long he would have to stay in the place.


Dawn sat on a table inside The Kitten awaiting the rain to pass and her drink to finish. She blended in perfectly with the clatter and noise, so no one took notice of her. She was as present as a shadow in their eyes which was perfect. Her calm grey eyes lazily swept across the room, although they took in each and every detail that seemed out of place. With this bleak weather, the people inside the bar was only increasing which meant it was more cover for her. As well as more danger..


Kat wrapped her arms around her body as she studied her next victim. A young man who was making a young girl uncomfortable. She grabbed her drink and walked over to the male with a small smile.

Elliot groaned and ran inside The Kitten. He was walking around when it started raining. Shaking off some of the water, he sat down at the bar and ordered a soda