forum The legend of Itoria. (Always open, no matter what)
Started by @Your-Humerus

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"Same to you," He said, munching on the apple. He glanced around as he heard gasps from a group off to the side of the road, surrounding a girl who had fallen to her knees (assuming she's in the general area as Theron And Equis)

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She walked into the store to the injured girl she offered her hand to the girl “are you okay.”


When Myrna opens her eyes, she is face- to- face with a stern old woman, her mousy brown hair in a bun. Myrna feels a sharp tug on her arm and winces. "Ow."
The woman tugs again and says in a sharp voice. "Get up, now. Don't draw attention to yourself, you stupid girl."
"Get up!" The woman looks around to see if anyone heard her, locking eyes with a woman with lines running over her body. She had a hood and a dress artistically tattered at the edges. The woman shot her a look that could kill an ogre. Go away! it said. She lowered her head back to Myrna and sharply whispered "Now!"
Myrna groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She glared at the old woman. "Who are you to tell me what to do?"
"Lower your voice child!"
"Okay, mom." Myrna tilted her head, confused. "Are you my mom? Who are you? Who am I?" She looked around. A countertop, shelves, a door with a little bell that rang every time someone entered, a crowd that had started to gather, and finally, in front of them, a weird girl with dark hair and what barely passed as clothing. It was torn all over the place. "Where am I?"
The woman sighed and shook her head.

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“Are you okay” she repeated with a look of increased concern


Theron came into the store and stood by the door as the girl on the floor started talking nonsense. He saw Equis try to help the girl

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She looked over to the woman “what did you do to her”


Myrna turned her head back to the girl. "Oh, I- Ow!" The woman grabbed her arm again and started dragging her out of the room through a glass door. "I'm fine!" Myrna called out over her shoulder. "I think." She didn't know who this woman was, but she felt that there would be consequinces if she didn't obey.

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She stepped in the way of the door “answer me what did you do to her”


The woman narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth, probably to say something rude, but was cut off by a man in a suit covered by a long robe. He stalked toward Myrna, the same sternness in his eyes that the old woman had. He grabbed her wrist, just before Myrna slapped him in the face, which immediately caused him to let go of her. Myrna turned to run, but she was curious as to what was going on. "Who are you?"
The man's gaze softened. "Myrna, I'm your father."
Myrna tilted her head. They had the same colored hair, similarly shaped hands. "I- I don't even know you." She managed to stammer out, confused. She had never met this man in her entire life. Of course, she only remembered her life starting ten minutes ago.
The man furrowed his brows in frustration, then opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then closed his mouth, deciding against it. He finally decided on, "Since you were born, every seven to twelve hours you completely lose your memory. It's like we have a million different daughters every time you restart."
Myrna didn't doubt that the small crowd that had formed around them had overheard everything.

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“Why should we trust that answer you could be lying and you just erased her memory”


The man- well, father, I guess- pulled out a stack of papers from his suit pocket and shoved them into the girl's hands. Desperate, you lunged for them. "What are these?"
"Medical records."
And they were. Pages upon pages of essays, papers, x-rays, failed treatments. Myrna felt like it would never end. To lighten the mood, she asked, "You do this often?"
Father shrugged. "Every seven to twelve hours." He smirked. "One time you were British."
Myrna looked back down at the papers. "I'm twenty-two."
He nodded.
"You've been putting up with me for twenty-two years? Wow."
"Well," He nodded to the stern woman. "That's what she is for."
The woman gave a thin smile.

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She stepped out f the way “okay I believe you”


Myrna just stood there, papers in hand, mouth open.
"Are you okay?" Her dad asked. "Maybe you should sit down."
Myrna nodded. "Yeah." She plopped down on the ground. There was something satisfying about the way it hurt. It reminded her that she could still feel her body.


Name: Benjia Foxen (Benny, Benji)
Species: Rune Angel, basically a witch that uses runes
Age: 22
Gender: female
Sexuality: biromantic

Physical description: Benny had short red hair that reaches just below her shoulders, hazel eyes that lighten when the sun hits them. Benny has beige skin that which has multiple runes weaved in between one another. She was born with these runes and more continue to appear.

Weapons: she has a small hair pin that expanded into a staff, a bow and arrow, and a cloak she write some runes on that protect her from fire

Backstory: (TBD)