forum The legend of Itoria. (Always open, no matter what)
Started by @Your-Humerus

people_alt 45 followers


(just in time heheh)

Name: Quess
Species: Draegon(Summons wraiths/demons, breathes fire, if necessary can look kind of like a dragon (wings, claws, Loki horns)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight as an expensive new pole

Physical description: Short, very dark red hair. Yellow eyes. Wrinkled shirt, black pants, combat boots. Two plain black leather bracelets per wrist. Quiet, always looks exhausted.

Weapons:(what are they carrying) Short, very broad knife with wrapped leather handle. Spiked gloves.

Backstory:(What happened before they came to the story-arc?) Quess used to live in the mountains with her family until someone murdered them all while she was gone. She came back to civilization just looking for revenge.

@Shadow_Knight group

(From today at 3:10 to December 31 I will not be on Notebook.ia. I'm going to Colorado and I won't be on at all unless I can figure out how to get it on my phone and even if that happens I will be on very limited. I'm sorry. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays everyone!)