"In a world where the son of man shares the land with various other magical creatures of all shapes and sizes, Fairies have chosen to remain separated from the rest. Humans shall not cross into their territory nor are Fairies allowed to interfere with humans either. Why? No one knows.
Despite this rule, one particular Fairy likes to sneak into the human world to play around and it is this young god's duty to catch the Fairy and bring him back.
Why is this Fairy different from the rest? What is the truth behind the separation of the realms? What mysteries hide in the shadows?"
Hi, it's the first time i start an rp here o/ I've been in a few rps before but sadly they all died prematurely so i really hope this one lives long enough to actually get somewhere :">
So, for the actual info. The story is set in a fantasy world, but it's not your typical medieval/Tolkien type of fantasy. We're talking chinese/japanese type of fantasy here, we're gonna go places hahaha. In this world fairies rarely leave their territory and almost never interact with the outer world; the rule has existed for a very long time but the reason behind it was lost to time (or was it?). But when a series of mysterious events that require investigation appear, things start to change.
The main characters are, as you guessed a fairy and a god. The fairy is male, but the god can be anything.
There's also room for other characters, such as:
- The king of Fairies - (the hidden villain of the story) a seemingly good and understanding fellow, yet in reality he is insanely strong with complete control over what's happening within the realm boundaries; he's the one who installed the rule preventing outside interaction, bcz * insert reason here * (most likely some nasty past event that filled him with resentment and made him go mad)
- Fellow god/fairy characters (up to, idk maybe 5 on either side)
I would recommend listening to this song by Joe Hisaishi, to understand the general feel of the story i'm going for:
- No OP characters. Please.
- Proper grammar and punctuation. I understand if english is not your first language, but it has to be decent enough so i can understand you, otherwise it's going to be a pain
- Detailed-ish responses. I know it may sound hard, but it's to keep things going. Think 3 or more sentences
- Please be on pretty often. I understand real life may get in the way, but let's try keep this rp alive for a while
- Have fun! This is the most important part of all