forum The Chosen Ones // CLOSED
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Deleted user

(hello. I feel really bad saying that I forgot about one of my own rps)


Me too, but I might suddenly be inactive at some point, so don’t be too surprised if that happens. Also, Kido won’t innitiate any conversation so…… ye//


After a minute of silence, Ace couldn’t stand the silence anymore. He glanced at the people next last him. He had two options, to talk to the boy, or to the girl. Talking to a boy probably would be a lot easier than talking to a girl at this point.

Ace leaned toward Kido and lightly nudged him, “Psst, what are you in detention for?”


Kido shook his head from his crossed arms, which was actually pretty hard to do. He sighed, “I think they said something about ‘sleeping in class’, then they made me repeat what the teacher had said a few minutes ago, which I got right, then they said I ‘sassed a teacher’.”