forum The Chosen Ones // CLOSED
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@TinyMagicWolf pets

(This took forever 'cause I'm doing multiple things at once, but bam, here's my baby)
Name: Riverpaw Wolfe
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: 'Supergay' as proclaimed by her friends
Crystal Color: Purple
Appearance: 5'0, tan skin, wavy brown hair that stops mid-back, is mint green at the end and is usually held up in a ponytail, and emerald green eyes. There's a small scar above her right eye.
Style: Blue shirt, green jacket with a light green paw print on the back, dark blue jeans, green and black sneakers. Often wears a brown wolf-ears headband.
Personality: Shy, Quiet, a bit distant from people, but loves to talk to animals, especially her husky puppy Tsunami. She doesn't trust easily, and she's not much of a fighter, but she is very caring to her friends.
Likes: Singing, exploring forest/woodland areas, rain, talking to animals, being pet
Dislikes: Bullies or rude people, thunder, small places, seeing animals hurt
Background: Riverpaw's big sister, Skypaw (creative af), was given the Animal Crystal by their father, but never connected to it. When Riverpaw was 4, their mother died, and she, Sky, and their father moved from their home when she turned 5. When Riverpaw turned 10, Sky gave her the crystal, and she connected to it. The day after, she took Tsunami with her into the forest behind their house to kind of vent about this new responsibility that was just handed to her, and she found that the crystal lets her speak to animals. Since then, Riverpaw has spent her time wandering around the forest, talking to the animals, and trying to figure out what else the crystal can do and how to properly use it.
Other: If she gets scared, the crystal will turn her into a small brown wolf, she guesses it's a response to her fight-or-flight instinct.


Name: Kido Noriyori
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crystal Colour: Blue
Appearance: (artwork belongs to respective artist, not me)
Style: Shown above along with his crystal around his neck
Personality: Kinda antisocial, you’ll see~
Likes: To be revealed
Dislikes: To be revealed
Background: His dad is dead, so he lives with his mom and younger twin siblings, Koharu and Hano
Other: He is Japanese, there is a stray black cat that lives in front of his house named Shadow. Water can’t hurt him in any way (example: boiling water can’t burn him)

(Is this ok?)

Deleted user

(yes apart from the personality. Pls add at least some aspects)


Name: Wyatt Maverick
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Crystal Colour: Orange
Appearance: medium-length messy auburn hair, greeny-blue eyes, tanned skin, uneven smile (when he smiles it always looks like he's smirking), 5'8", extremely attractive and knows it
Style: Just whatever's comfortable, which is usually a t-shirt and jeans with worn-out converse, with the occasional hoodie or jacket
Personality: Super confident, laid-back, funny, friendly, can be flirty, always stands up for people when they need it, helpful, has his insecurities but doesn't let it get in he way of his personality, needs to know and feel like he's wanted/needed otherwise his confidence falters. Always looks on the bright side of things and triesd to see the good in people
Likes: talking, people, reading, acting, singing, music, dancing and making people happy
Dislikes: being excluded, feeling alone, feeling unwanted, feeling hopeless, being afraid and his powers
Background: When he was 16, his little sister died in a fire that started at her cooking class, throwing his family and him into a rough patch. He needed to take care of his other two siblings because his parents wouldn't. Soon, his parents got divorced and separated the twins and him. He now lives with his little brother and mother, while his little sister and father moved away. He's on the rocks with his father, but is extremely close to the rest of his family.


I'm kinda excited to see where this goes. My question is, my character is supposed to rise up and steal all the other gems, right? What if that's his 'other side' aka, the insane part of him? He doesn't necessarily want to hurt anyone, in fact, he doesn't want to get close to anyone, but he loses to his insanity, so he's kinda forced to steal and/or take the gems? Does that make sense at all?//


(So um.

It’s going to take a while for me to make my form because I haven if on my computer and when I’m on my computer I have to do math and right now I’m on my phone so.

I’m so sorry. Q~Q)


Name: Ace Yep
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual, he doesn’t know if he’s biromantic or gay though .-.
Crystal Colour: White
Appearance: He’s perfectly six feet tall, he had some pink highlights, he’ll probably get highlights of a different color during the following month… Ace has.. rather long hair for a male, but only in the front. I guess. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin. He has hair ties on his wrist to tie his hair out of his face when he’s doing work. He has rather long fingers from being forced to play playing the cello and piano.
Style: Whatever his mom bought for him.
Personality: Imagine a young bubbly 5 year old.

And now imagine that young bubbly kid as an17 year old.


That’s Ace.

Likes: P u n s , being happy, making his parents proud.
Dislikes: When people pronounce his last name wrong, when people tease him about his last name, when in the caption it says “Mandarin” it's actUALLY CANTONESE LIKE EXCUSE YOU, not getting a good grade, when his parents yell at him for no reason, being sad.

Deleted user

I'm kinda excited to see where this goes. My question is, my character is supposed to rise up and steal all the other gems, right? What if that's his 'other side' aka, the insane part of him? He doesn't necessarily want to hurt anyone, in fact, he doesn't want to get close to anyone, but he loses to his insanity, so he's kinda forced to steal and/or take the gems? Does that make sense at all?//

(OK so basically what I had planned was that Darcie's descendant is sick of being forgotten so they rise up. For almost a million years, Darcie's descendants have been forgotten by her sisters' descendants. The story is even told without Darcie in it. After the original sisters died, their spirits were transferred inside the crystals.
At your character's mum (don't have the opportunity to check his name), Darcie finally couldn't take being forgotten, and decided that she would corrupt the next wearer of the crystal into making her sisters' and their descendants remember she exists.

Does that help?)

Deleted user

Name: Ace Yep
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual, he doesn’t know if he’s biromantic or gay though .-.
Crystal Colour: White
Appearance: He’s perfectly six feet tall, really wants to have pink highlights but can’t because of dumb dress code rules, he has.. rather long hair for a male, but only in the front. I guess. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin. He has hair ties on his wrist to tie his hair out of his face when he’s doing work. He has rather long fingers from being forced to play playing the cello and piano.
Style: Whatever his mom bought for him.
Personality: Imagine a young bubbly 5 year old.

And now imagine that young bubbly kid as an17 year old.


That’s Ace.

Likes: P u n s , being happy, making his parents proud.
Dislikes: When people pronounce his last name wrong, when people tease him about his last name, when in the caption it says “Mandarin” it's actUALLY CANTONESE LIKE EXCUSE YOU, not getting a good grade, when his parents yell at him for no reason, being sad.

(ace may have highlights if he likes. There's at least 2 characters with highlights)


I'm kinda excited to see where this goes. My question is, my character is supposed to rise up and steal all the other gems, right? What if that's his 'other side' aka, the insane part of him? He doesn't necessarily want to hurt anyone, in fact, he doesn't want to get close to anyone, but he loses to his insanity, so he's kinda forced to steal and/or take the gems? Does that make sense at all?//

(OK so basically what I had planned was that Darcie's descendant is sick of being forgotten so they rise up. For almost a million years, Darcie's descendants have been forgotten by her sisters' descendants. The story is even told without Darcie in it. After the original sisters died, their spirits were transferred inside the crystals.
At your character's mum (don't have the opportunity to check his name), Darcie finally couldn't take being forgotten, and decided that she would corrupt the next wearer of the crystal into making her sisters' and their descendants remember she exists.

Does that help?)

Yes, so he's already partway insane, so would it be alright if his insane side took over, slowly corrupting him?//

Deleted user

I'm kinda excited to see where this goes. My question is, my character is supposed to rise up and steal all the other gems, right? What if that's his 'other side' aka, the insane part of him? He doesn't necessarily want to hurt anyone, in fact, he doesn't want to get close to anyone, but he loses to his insanity, so he's kinda forced to steal and/or take the gems? Does that make sense at all?//

(OK so basically what I had planned was that Darcie's descendant is sick of being forgotten so they rise up. For almost a million years, Darcie's descendants have been forgotten by her sisters' descendants. The story is even told without Darcie in it. After the original sisters died, their spirits were transferred inside the crystals.
At your character's mum (don't have the opportunity to check his name), Darcie finally couldn't take being forgotten, and decided that she would corrupt the next wearer of the crystal into making her sisters' and their descendants remember she exists.

Does that help?)

Yes, so he's already partway insane, so would it be alright if his insane side took over, slowly corrupting him?//

(yes, that would be fine)

Deleted user

(@I'mWithYouUntilTheEndOfTheLine we can start when you post your character)

Deleted user

Name: Nienna Watson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Crystal Colour: Pink
Appearance: She has long black hair with pastel streaks of colors in it and is braided into a fishtail down her back, has pointy ears, like an elf, icy blue eyes, pale skin, quite tall, like around 5'8
Style: Idk what that means
Personality: Is very creative and inventive, is also logical, and likes to have fun and is outgoing.
Likes: Music, adrenaline, she plays video games, deal with it, nature and stuff.
Dislikes: Silence, boredom.
Background: (optional. Maybe just involve things about their family, their lives, that kinda stuff) Develop
Other: Has Chromosithia,
wait do I mention her powers or what?